Checking date: 03/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Cultural Geography
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities

CB2. Students are to professionally apply the acquired knowledge to their work and case-studies and get to develop skills regarding both the elaboration and advancement of sounding arguments and the resolution of problems within the field. CB3. Students are to gather and interpret relevant data within their field as to be able to make statements, interpret and reflect on cultural and social issues having a scientific and ethic component. CB4. Students are to both transmit information and ideas and tackle issues, as well as put forward solutions communicating them to both specialized and wider audiences. CG1. Students are to know different meanings of the concept of culture and major approaches and trends developed within the Human and Social Sciences. CE2. Students are to understand the differences among these diverse approaches in Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology, History and Geography to the study of culture and cultural phenomena. RA1. Students are to acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects, along with working methods of the issues addressed in different fields within Cultural Studies
Description of contents: programme
This subject is conceived as an introduction to Cultural Geography. The aim of the course it to provide a wide overview of the history and recent transformations within the field as to further an examination of contemporary theories and practices in Cultural Geography. The course is aimed at gaining understanding and critiquing the social and political processes giving raise to cultural practices as the manifested themselves in space and spatial contexts. The course is divided into four major sections. In the first one, the main objects and theoretical-methodological approaches of this sub-discipline will be analyzed, with special emphasis on comparing the classical outlook to the recent conceptual evolution and trends, as well as on the close link of this trends with Cultural Studies. The three remaining sections shall focus on some of the core topics and issues of Cultural Geography, namely the study of nature and landscape; the interactions between culture, territory and identity in the context of globalization; and the spatial production of differences along the lines of class, race and gender. 1. THE OBJECTS OF CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. -Cultural Geography as a sub-field of Human Geography. -Main objects, topics and approaches in classical Cultural Geography. -Postmodern transformations: the New Cultural Geography and its relationship with Cultural Studies. -Contemporary concerns: the study of geographical imaginations; maps as cultural objects; the production of space and its semiotics. 2. NATURE, LANDSCAPE AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY -Visions of nature, and nature-society relations in Western thought. - Geographical approaches to the cultural study of the landscape. -Cultural representations of landscape (from literature to cinema). -Cultural landscapes (I): case studies. 3. CULTURE, TERRITORY AND IDENTITY IN A GLOBAL WORLD. -Geographical experience: place, belonging and meaning. -Territory and nation-state: cultural-cum-political identities and territorial ideologies. -Globalization and deterritorialization: placelessness and non-places. -Cultural landscapes (II): case studies. 4. SPACE, DIFFERENCE AND POWER. GEOGRAPHIES OF IN /EXCLUSION. -The spatial construction of differences (sex, gender, race, etc.). -A cultural politics of space: producing space, contesting power. -The right to the city and spatial justice. -Cultural landscapes (III): case studies.
Learning activities and methodology
The course combines theoretical sessions and practical sessions. Theoretical sessions present the basic contents of the syllabus and attempt to provide students with its conceptual and methodological foundations for cultural-cum-spatial analysis. Theoretical sessions will be developed through classroom lectures by the teacher, while practical sessions will be focused on the reading, presentation, discussion and critical analysis of selected texts, as well as on learning to analyze specific cultural issues in their spatial manifestations. So, all in all, students shall prepare and hand in three types of practical exercises for continuous assessment: a PPT for an oral presentation of a selected text, that will be discussed in class too; a text commentary of a reading selected from the list given by the teacher; and a short essay on a specific issue (work group) that might be the object of an oral exposition (¿Cultural landscape: case studies¿ sessions). The tutorials will take place by face-to-face interviews and/or via e-mail.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • ANDERSON, J.. Understanding Cultural Geography. Places and Traces. Routledge. 2010
  • ANDERSON, K., DOMOSH, M., PILE, S., THRIFT, N. (Eds.). Handbook of Cultural Geography. SAGE. 2003
  • ATKINSON, D. et al. (eds.). Cultural Geography. A Critical Dictionnary of Key Concepts.. I.B. Tauris. 2005
  • BLUNT, A., WILLS, J.. Dissident Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas and Practice. Routledge. 2000
  • COSGROVE, D.. Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape. Wisconsin University Press. [1984] 1998 edition.
  • COSGROVE, D. . Apollo¿s Eye. A Cartographic Genealogy of the Earth in Western Imagination. Johns Hopkins University Press. 2001
  • DANIELS, S., DELYSER, D., ENTRIKING, N. J., RICHARDSON, D. . Envisioning Landscapes, Making Worlds. Geography and the Humanities. Routledge.
  • DUNCAN, J. S., JOHNSON, N. C., SCHEIN, R. H. (Eds.) . A Companion to Cultural Geography. Blackwell. [2004] 2008 edition
  • FOUBERG, E. H, MURPHY, A. B, DE BLIJ, H. J. . Human Geography. People, Place and Culture, 3rd. Ed.. Wiley. 2011
  • GLACKEN, C. . Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. California University Press. 1976
  • JACKSON, P.. Maps of Meaning. An Introduction to Cultural Geography. Taylor & Francis. [1989] 2003 edition
  • MITCHELL, D. . Cultural Geography. A Critical Introduction. Blackwell. 2000
  • McDOWELL, L. (Ed.). Undoing Place?: A Geographical Reader. Routledge. 1997
  • OAKES, T. S., PRICE, P. L. (Eds.). The Cultural Geography Reader. Routledge. 2008
  • SCHAMA, S. . Landscape and Memory. Vintage. 1996
  • SHURMER-SMITH, P. (ed.). Doing Cultural Geography. SAGE. 2002
  • WULF, A. . The Invention Of Nature. Alexander Von Humboldt's New World. John Murray Publishers. 2015

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.