Checking date: 31/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Social Networks and Virtual Communities
Bachelor in Management of Information and Digital Contents (Plan: 376 - Estudio: 340)

Coordinating teacher: MORALES GARCIA, ANA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Competent knowledge about the subjects studied in direct relation with processing of information
BASIC SKILLS: CB1. Possess and understand knowledge in an area of ¿¿study that starts from the base of general secondary education and includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the vanguard of its field of study. CB2 Know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ¿¿study. CB3 Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ¿¿study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature. CB4 Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized. CB5 Develop those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy. GENERAL COMPETENCES: CG1 Knows and applies the fundamental principles and techniques for managing information in the digital environment CG2 Know the theories, principles and instruments, classical and contemporary, of communication, organization and information management CG3 It is able to identify the processes and workflows in an organization and apply the techniques and tools for the description, control, management and preservation of documentation, especially electronics, throughout its life cycle. CG4 Know the models and research methods in the field of digital information. CG5 Knows the basic methodology of sources research, analysis and interpretation to achieve the integration of knowledge in an academic work. CG6 Applies in a practical way the theoretical knowledge that intervenes in the management of intellectual property rights in the environment of the digital economy and culture. CG7 Knows the fundamental concepts related to information ethics and applies the principles related to data protection, transparency and electronic administration TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES: CT1 Ability to communicate knowledge in writing and orally and audiovisual, before a public both specialized and non-specialized. CT2 Ability to establish good interpersonal communication and work in multidisciplinary and international teams. CT3 Ability to organize and plan your work, making the right decisions based on the available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgments and critical thinking within your area of ¿¿study. CT4 Motivation and ability to dedicate themselves to autonomous learning for life, which allows them to adapt to new situations. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES CE9 Learn about user-centered design principles, techniques and tools for digital products, including multimedia content. And it is capable of applying usability evaluation techniques in digital environments and products. CE15 You can advise for the definition of strategy and project management regarding tracking, indexing, content structuring, content expurgation, link building, etc. CE16 Ability to operate in social networks and develop, maintain and retain user communities in relation to a specific digital product.
Description of contents: programme
DIDACTIC UNIT 1. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA THEME 1. FRAMEWORK AND TECHNOLOGICAL CONTEXT: NEW PATTERNS OF CONSUMPTION AND PROVISION OF CONTENTS AND SERVICES 1.1. Evolution of the Web: Technological progress of the Web; Infoxication, immediacy, communication, interaction, virtuality 1.2. Web behaviors: consumption, prosumption, habits 1.3. New social media: typology, function and characteristics THEME 2. THE COMMUNITY AS A NEW INTERNET AXIS: PARTICIPATION 2.1. Types and uses of Virtual Communities: Communication: messaging, news, forums; Generation of contents: blogs, wikis 2.2. Types and uses of social networks: Interactive communication (examples); Image (examples) THEME 3. NEW SOCIAL MEDIA: TYPOLOGY, FUNCTION AND CHARACTERISTICS: PROJECTIONS 3.1. Economics (digital economy) 3.2. Social (relations, advertising, marketing) 3.3. Policies (transparency and governance) 3.4. Educational and training DIDACTIC UNIT 2. MANAGEMENT OF VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES: COMPETENCES AND TOOLS THEME 1. WHAT IS UNDERSTOOD BY INTERNET COMMUNITIES THEME 2. COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT: STRATEGY AND PROFESSIONAL PROFILE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITIES 2.1. Roles and functions of the community manager 2.2. Tools 2.0 for classification and content management 2.3. Publishing services 2.0 2.4. Personal brand: digital identity and online reputation 2.5. Social Media Plan 2.6. Theoretical fundament 2.7. Community manager monitoring and management tools THEME 3. THE CURE OF CONTENTS AS A TECHNIQUE OF SELECTION AND FILTRATION OF CONTENTS IN THE NETWORK 3.1. Theoretical basis of Content curation and content curator profile 3.2. Content Healing Strategies: models and processes 3.3. Identification and selection of relevant digital information 3.4. Tools for the Healing of Contents DIDACTIC UNIT 3. SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN AS A TOOL FOR ONLINE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT THEME 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 1.1. Predictability in users 1.2. Digital indexing and semantic tagging 1.3. Network and trend prediction sensors 1.4. Applications in services 1.5. Effects of predictability: debates 1.6. ROI and metrics THEME 2. DESIGN OF A SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN 2.1. Challenges of Social Networks and Virtual Communities 2.1.1. Virtuality and iconism 2.1.2. Authorship, intellectual property, privacy 2.1.3. Rights and duties in digital social media 2.1.4. Rules of behavior: political and social 2.1.5. The eEconomy 2.1.6. Work and learning 2.1.7. The historical documentary heritage 2.2. Knowledge in Social Networks and Virtual Communities 2.2.1 Reading and editing messages on social media web 2.2.2 Processing of messages towards knowledge and knowledge 2.2.3 The infocomunicational competences 2.2.4 Literacy and strategies for the use of digital social media 2.2.5 Competence instruments in digital social media
Learning activities and methodology
The subject is based on the personal study of the student, which will take as a starting point the teaching materials prepared by the teacher, the specialized readings and the recommended bibliography. The methodology proposes a training model that allows the student an active and continuous learning promoting participation and supporting teaching and interaction with the use of technological tools. It will be provided for effective learning: transparencies ppt, electronic addresses, computer programs and models of practices through Aula Global. The material will be structured: 1. Conceptual framework, which will provide a pdf document, with the concepts and concepts that will be worked on in each teaching unit to show the student a theoretical vision of the discipline that allows him to acquire the concepts and fundamental knowledge for his knowledge and necessary application. 2. Complementary framework, which can be provided so that the student understands the different perspectives, trends and schools through a series of individual readings, in electronic format, through the Global Classroom platform. 3. Illustrative framework, which allows the student an understanding of the concept, for its assimilation and efficient application in their future professional performance. It will consist of electronic and / or virtual resources, complemented by debates. This framework will be powered by electronic addresses, resources, software and tutorials, to support conceptual discourse. This illustrative framework will allow to make practical exercises of understanding of the subject in a continuous way (for the permanent learning) 4. Framework of practices, whose function is that students acquire skills, abilities and competencies through practical activities for its development by students, in parallel to the development of the classes. Its objective is to prove what the student knows and knows about the competences proposed in each didactic unit. They will be designed as an object of learning: instructional design, associated complementary material, exemplifications, exercise proposal, completion by the student. 5. Questionnaires may be offered for completion by students, which will serve as a basic element of self-assessment and individual monitoring of quality in the learning process 6. Tutorials. To effectively develop the educational model, the tutorial system acquires importance in ensuring collaborative and meaningful learning. Two types of tutorials are proposed: one derived from the collective classroom tutorials; another one of personalized tutorials, referred to its formation and academic trajectory; virtual tutorials, for telematic attention on certain days
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Agustinoy Guilayn, Albert . Aspectos legales de las redes sociales. Bosch (Wolters Kluwer). 2016
  • Alberto Sánchez Rojo . Educación, privacidad y redes sociales: una reflexión arendtiana. Foro de Educación. 15(23):7-24. 2017
  • Araceli Castelló Martínez . Estrategias empresariales en la Web 2.0. Las redes sociales online. Club universitario. 2013
  • Cabero, Julio, Marín, Verónica. Posibilidades educativas de las redes sociales y el trabajo en grupo. Percepciones de los alumnos universitarios. Comunicar [en linea] , XXI (Enero-Junio). 2014
  • Castells, Manuel . El poder de las redes sociales . La Vanguardia Ediciones. 2014
  • Daniel Holgado Ramos . EDES: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales. 27(2):141-145. 2016
  • Enrique Bigné, Inés Küster, Asunción Hernández. LAS REDES SOCIALES VIRTUALES Y LAS MARCAS: INFLUENCIA DEL INTERCAMBIO DE EXPERIENCIAS eC2C SOBRE LA ACTITUD DE LOS USUARIOS HACIA LA MARCA. Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC Volume 17, Issue 2. 2013
  • Fresno García, Miguel del . Conectados por redes sociales : introducción al análisis de redes sociales y casos prácticos . Editorial UOC. 2014
  • Guallar, Javier . El content curator : guía básica para el nuevo profesional de Internet . UOC. 2013
  • Küster, Inés, Hernández, Asunción. De la Web 2.0 a la Web 3.0: antecedentes y consecuencias de la actitud e intención de uso de las redes sociales en la web semántica. Universia Business Review . 2013
  • Lobo, Sascha . Cómo influyen las redes sociales en las elecciones . Revista: Nueva sociedad, nº 269. 2017
  • Moya, Eva . Inteligencia en redes sociales : despertando el potencial del Community Manager. UOC. 2013
  • Polinario, Javi . Cómo divulgar ciencia a través de las redes sociales. Círculo Rojo. 2016
  • Sanjurjo Rebollo, Beatriz . Manual de Internet y redes sociales : una mirada legal al nuevo panorama de las comunicaciones en la red, con especial referencia al periodismo digital, propiedad intelectual, protección de datos, negocios audiovisuales, ecommerce, consumidores, marketing online y publicidad digital . Dykinson. 2015
  • Silva-Robles, Carmen . Perfil del community manager en las agencias de publicidad y relaciones públicas de España. El profesional de la informacion, Volumen: 25 Número: 2 Página: 237-245 . 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.