Checking date: 01/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Contemporaneity and discourse of memory
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: GONZALEZ CALLEJA, EDUARDO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Acquire a critical and specialized contemporaneity knowledge as a historical process in which converge various legacies that have been modified, and modified, in their mutual relations.       2. Know the legitimation discourses in the present, in terms of the historical readings of acquired legacies.      3. Know the translation into the political, cultural and social reality of memory discourses as symbolic capital that acts as an element of cohesion, identification and differentiation of contemporary societies.
Description of contents: programme
Contemporaneity is intrepreted as a historical process in which converge the various legacies that have been modified, in their mutual relations. The study of legitimation discourses deoending the historical readings of these acquired legacies is contemplated. Political, cultural and social reality of memory discourses as symbolic capital that acts as an element of cohesion, identification and differentiation of contemporary societies are also contemplated. 1. Presentation of Block 1: The psychological and anthropological components of memory 2 Collective memory and social sciences: fundamental concepts 3 Historical memory and its dimensions. Memory as source and testimony and history as scientific construction (I) 4 Historical memory and its dimensions. Memory as source and testimony and history as scientific construction (II) 5 The "politics of memory" of states, institutions and social movements 6 Duties and abuses of memory in today's society: necessity and limits of the testimony after Auschwitz 7 Presentation of Block 2: The problems of the labor movement 8 Duality of the labor movement. Specific problems of Spain 9 The direct action and political action until 1910 10 Thirties and War Memorial 11 De hiding to institutionalization 12 Presentation of Block 3: The History and oral sources. oral sources and historical memory 13 Methodology(s) of oral sources: interview and Life History 14 Oral sources and gender relations in contemporary Spain 15 Oral sources and gender relations in contemporary Spain. Second Republic and Civil War 16 Oral sources and gender relations in contemporary Spain. Francoism and Transition
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • ABELLA, Rafael. La vida cotidiana en España durante el régimen de Franco. Barcelona, Argos Vergara. 1985
  • ABELLÓ GÜELL, Teresa. El movimiento obrero en España, siglos XIX y XX. Barcelona, Hipotesi. 1997
  • ALTED. Alicia, Manuela AROCA y Juan Carlos COLLADO (dirs.). Aproximación oral a la historia de la UGT (1931-1975). Madrid, Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero. 2010
  • BARRIO ALONSO, Ángeles, . ¿Historia obrera en los noventa: tradición y modernidad¿, Historia Social, 37, pp. 143-160. . Fundación Historia Social. 2000
  • CUESTA BUSTILLO, Josefina. ¿Memoria e Historia. Un estado de la cuestión¿, Ayer, 32, pp. 203-246.. Marcial Pons. 1998
  • FORCADELL, Carlos. ¿Sobre desiertos y secanos: los movimientos sociales en la historiografía española¿, Historia Contemporánea, 7 (¿Historiografía española reciente¿), pp. 101-116. . Bilbao, UPV. 1992
  • GARCÍA-NIETO, María Carmen. La palabra de las mujeres: una propuesta didáctica para hacer historia (1931-1990). Madrid, Ed. Popular. 1991
  • GONZÁLEZ CALLEJA. Memoria e historia.Vademécum de conceptos y debates fundamentales. Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata. 2013
  • HALBWACHS, Maurice. La mémoire collective. París, Albin Michel. 1997
  • HALBWACHS, Maurice . Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire. París, Albin Michel. 1994
  • JOUTARD, Philippe. "Memoria e Historia. ¿Cómo superar el conflicto?". Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, nº 38, pp. 115-122.. Revista. 2007
  • MOLINERO, Carme. "Mujer, franquismo, fascismo. La clausura forzada en un «mundo pequeño»", Historia Social, nº 30, pp. 97-117. Alzira, Fundación Historia Social. 1998
  • RICOEUR, Paul. La memoria, la historia,el olvido. Madrid, Trotta. 2003
  • SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ, Francisco. La protesta de un pueblo. Acción colectiva y organización obrera. Madrid 1901-1923,. Madrid, Cinca. 2006
Additional Bibliography
  • Ricard VINYES RIBAS (dir.), . Diccionario de la memoria colectiva. Gedisa, Barcelona. 2018

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.