Checking date: 27/04/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Public Management
Dual Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (Plan: 406 - Estudio: 247)

Coordinating teacher: NATERA PERAL, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


After completing the course the student will be able: - To know specific public management approaches and methods - To understand skills needed to develop effective governance predirectivo or management level in public administration. - To develop management skills and use knowledge of which is relevant to the governance of the directors and heads of government in a globalizing world and in the case of Spain, particularly affected by the strong political and administrative decentralization.
Description of contents: programme
1. Public management and management skills. Historical trends and current situation. Bureaucratic model reconfiguration and public service changes. 2. New management tools in public organizations: an overview. 3. Cultural change in public administration. Elements of change: decisions and processes. Managing change in the information age. 4. Human resources management in public secdtor. Leadership styles and motivation of public employees. Teamwork and its application in public organizations. 5. Organizational communication. Public managers communication systems. 6. Negotiation skills and conflict resolution in the public domain. Concepts and skills of negotiation and conflict resolution. The process of negotiation. 7. Models of excellence and quality management in public administrations. 8. Public ethics and accountability. Communication and transparency
Learning activities and methodology
- Lectures and case studies in class - Simulation excercices on managerial skills (group) - Book review on public management - Presentations, where appropriate, by student teams - Report on public management case
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • AGUILAR VILLANUEVA, L.F.. Gobernanza y Gestión Pública. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2008
  • BOVAIRD, T. y LÖFFLER, E., eds.. Public Management and Governance. Londres, Routledge. 2009
  • OLIAS DE LIMA, B. (coord.). La Nueva Administración Pública . Madrid, Prentice Hall,. 2001
  • OLMEDA, J.A., PARRADO, S., COLINO, C. . Las administraciones públicas en España. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. 2012
Additional Bibliography
  • BAENA DEL ALCÁZAR, M. . Manual de Ciencia de la Administración.. Madrid: Síntesis.. 2010
  • BAÑÓN, R. y CARRILLO, E. (comps.) . La Nueva Administración Pública. Madrid, Alianza,. 1997
  • BRUGUE, Q. y SUBIRATS, J.. Lecturas de gestión pública . Madrid, INAP. 1996
  • CAMISÓN, C.; CRUZ, S. y GONZÁLEZ, T. . Gestión de la calidad: conceptos, enfoques, modelos y sistemas.. Madrid: Pearsons. . 2006
  • CUENCA CERVERA, J. . Manual de Dirección y Gestión de Recursos Humanos en los Gobiernos locales. . Madrid: INAP. 2010
  • OLMEDA GÓMEZ, J.A. . Ciencia de la Administración, volumen I, Teoría de la organización y gestión pública.. Madrid: UNED.. 1999
  • RAMIÓ, C.. Teoría de la organización y administración pública. Madrid: Tecnos. 2010
  • VILLORIA, M. y DEL PINO, E.. Manual de gestión de recursos humanos en las Administraciones públicas. Madrid, Tecnos. 2008
  • ZEITHAML, V.A.; PARASURAMAN, A. y BERRY, L. . Calidad Total en la gestión de servicios.. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.. 1993

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.