Checking date: 20/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Data Journalism
Bachelor in Journalism (Plan: 383 - Estudio: 212)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The subjects related to this subject are closely linked to the basic notions of the Excel sheets and search and use of information sources. Use and application to the editorial design.
The general competences of the subject are constituted around the knowledge or skills Who They intend to achieve. And they are subdivided into: 1. Informative objectives - Offer a theoretical foundation that generates professional confidence. - Acquire knowledge of concepts and terms associated to Data Journalism and in general to the use of sources and search of data in databases and documentary sources. - Ability to organize, collect and organize graphically, aesthetically and coherently the data informative - Analyze Information, collect reliable primary and documentary sources and do journalism investigation. - Perform graphical reading of information display elements and classify them in order of importance and informative news. 2. TRAINING OBJECTIVES - Transmit knowledge of concepts and terms related to data journalism and search thereof. - Accustom the student to work as a team. Where the team is the axis to make good Data Journalism. - Develop creative capacity through the relationship between ideas and the sharpness and smell of finding reliable information derived from Administrative Sources and Government Organizations. - Acquire skills for the public exhibition of works and projects associated with the subject. - Develop the critical ability and curiosity of the student to endow him with judgments critical, qualitative and quantitative. - Acquire habits of socialization, which means fostering attitude and capacity of participation in the dynamics of the class through the active approach of debates, presentation and defense of results of works to the collective, analysis and criticism of other works of colleagues and group work - Get to convince the audience in class; students and teacher of the validity of their work. 3. OBJECTIVES ON THE ATTITUDE - Show and educate in respect between students and towards the teacher. - Promote and stimulate students' competence in decision making. - Develop academic and intellectual skills that encourage the student to to engage in learning tasks and continuous training. - Develop intuitive thinking through experimentation. - Facilitate interpersonal development to communicate and the ability to understand others and the ability to interact and work as a team. - Foster interest in the professional project in the specialization of Data Journalism. 4. PSYCHOMOTOR OBJECTIVES - Acquire skills such as the ability, mastery and understanding of the media and materials used In communication. - Promote the language of the data and the coding of them according to practical assumptions proposed in class. - To favor the natural capacity of the individual to perceive, memorize, imagine and develop a form constructive and analytical, through individual and collective practice. - Promote the development of skills for insertion in the workplace. In this section, the competences associated to the subject are presented: 5. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES A good teaching method in the teaching of Data Journalism: specifically pursues the following objectives: - Train students in the knowledge of the data collection process. - Find ways and tools that present this data in an organized manner. - Develop the ability to communicate an idea and search for reliable and contrasted sources for improve the informative content. - Be able to distinguish the elements that make up a journalistic product, and improve with tools and graphics the presentation of the information.
Description of contents: programme
1.INTRODUCTION TO DATA JOURNALISM, versus Precision Journalism. The case: the CBS television network to predict the results of the presidential elections. 2. OPEN DATA and OPEN JOURNALISM. How to obtain reliable data through the network. A case study model: The Guardian. 3. DATA and LAWS OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION. How to obtain data information through documentary sources and public bodies. THE LAW OF TRANSPARENCY. 4. The "NEWSROOM" in Data Journalism and building the "New Journalism". 5. How to understand the data and organize it. "GETTING DATA". The concept of "Web Scrapping". 6. DATA REPRESENTATION AND VISUALIZATION OF INFORMATION (I). 7. TOOLS (I); (II); (III) most common used in Data Journalism. A case of usual tool; (Excel. 7.1. Tools and Free Software used in the Visual Representation of Data. 8. THE CONCEPT OF VISUALIZATION OF INFORMATION AND BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE DATA AND YOUR REPRESENTATION 9.HOW TO MAKE SIMPLE VISUALIZATIONS: Flourish and other possibilities. 10. SPACE-TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: Schedules and Flows, used to improve the VISUALIZATION OF INFORMATION. 11. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN DATA JOURNALISM.
Learning activities and methodology
- Master classes. Theoretical, analytical and observation classes focused on the acquisition of basic notions about Investigative Journalism, sources and Information Visualization. - Practical classes. Development and application of theoretical concepts and learning in Data Journalism. On the other hand, use and search of the documentary sources that provide data. Learning tools for improve the understanding and visualization of the data. Realization of practices associated with Data Journalism. - Student work Tutorial study of theoretical-practical contents.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • CAIRO, A. . Infografía 2.0. Alamut. (2008)
  • CAIRO, A. . . El arte funcional: infografía y visualización de información.. Alamut.. (2011)
  • COBO, S. . Internet para periodistas. Kit de superviviencia para la era digital. . Editorial UOC: Barcelona.. (2012)
  • DADER, J. L. . Periodismo de precisión. Vía socioinformática de descubrir noticias.. Editorial Síntesis.. (1997)
  • FAMA, A.. Open Data e Data Journalism. . ed. Narcissa. (2011)
  • FRANCO ÁLVAREZ G.. La explosión infográfica en el conflicto del golfo pérsico. . Eds. Latina Comunicación Social. (2003)
  • FRANCO ÁLVAREZ G. . . Infografía. Tendencias, Mapas y Visualización de Información. Dykinson. Madrid.. (2020)
  • FRANCO ÁLVAREZ, G.. Infografía Periodística.. Anroart. (2005)
  • Jonathan Gray Liliana Bounegru Lucy Chambers Kate Hudson. The data journalism handbook.. European Journalism Centre. Open Knowledge Foundation.. Sebastopol, California : O'Reilly Media 2012
  • ROGERS, S. . Facts are sacred: The power of data. Guardian Shorts.. Edición para Kindle. (2011)
  • TASCÓN, M. (Dir.) . Escribir en Internet. Guía para los nuevos medios y las redes sociales. Fundación del Español Urgente.. Fundación del Español Urgente. Galaxia Gutemberg: Madrid.. (2012)
  • VALERO SANCHO, J.L.. La infografía : técnicas, análisis y usos periodísticos .. Bellaterra, Barcelona... (2001)
  • WESTBROOK, A.. Next Generation Journalist.. Reino Unido: E-book. (2010)
  • ZANCHELLI, M. Y CRUCIANELLI, S. . Integrando el periodismo de datos en las salas de redacción. International Center for Journalism: Washington.. (2012)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.