Checking date: 22/04/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Collective labour law
Bachelor in Employment and Labour Relations (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 150 - Estudio: 207)

Coordinating teacher: GARCIA SALAS, ANA ISABEL

Department assigned to the subject: Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
- Individual employment law.
- The student will obtain theoretical and practical knowledge about the industrial relations. - The student will end up understanding how important is this subject in connection with the other subjects in this Degree. - The student will acquire several skills to find legislation, collective agreements, case law and bibliography.
Description of contents: programme
PROGRAMM Lesson 1. Collective autonomy and labour relationships system 1. Collective autonomy: concept and structural elements 2. Constitutional recognition for the collective autonomy: meaning and scope 3. The three-dimensional structure of the collective autonomy in the Spanish Constitution: The right to freedom of association; the right to collective bargaining; the right to strike and collective actions. 4. Sources of collective labour law. Lesson 2. The freedom of association 1. Freedom of association as a fundamental right 2. Subjective scope of the right to freedom of association. 3. The content of the right to freedom of association. 4. The right to freedom of association protection Lesson 3. Trade unions and employers¿ organisations 1. The trade union: concept and creation. 2. Internal functioning elements: legal regime and financial support. 3. The trade union liability. 4. Union representativeness: general concept, selection criteria and preferential status of the most representative unions. 5. Employers¿ organisations: general concept and most representativeness. Lesson 4. Workers¿ representation and collective action in the workplace 1. Constitutional recognition and legal regulation: the ¿dual channel¿ system of employee representation. 2. Employee-elected representatives: personnel delegate and works council. 3. The election of the employee representatives 4. Union representatives: union section and union delegate. 5. Functions, facilities and legal protection of the representatives. 6. The right of assembly in the workplace. Lesson 5. The collective bargaining 1. Constitutional recognition of the collective bargaining: meaning and scope 2. Subject scope and content of the right to the collective bargaining. 3. Legal regulation of the right to the collective bargaining. 4. Types of collective agreements. Lesson 6. The general efficacy collective bargaining structure and content 1. The freedom of choice of the bargaining unit and its limits. 2. The collective bargaining structure and its legal regime: the coordination of different bargaining levels. 3. The collective agreement content: freedom of negotiating and its limits. 4. Possible and minimum content. 5. Normative content and content obligations. The duty of labour peace. Lesson 7. The collective bargaining dynamic: negotiating, validity and administration of the collective agreement. 1. Bargaining agents: capacity and legitimacy. 2. The procedural requirements of the negotiation. The duty of negotiating. 3. Formalities and legality control: the challenging of a formal collective agreement. 4. The validity of the collective agreement. 5. The administration of the collective agreement. Lesson 8. Collective disputes (I): The strike. 1. Concept and types of employment disputes. Constitutional regulation of the collective disputes. 2. The manifestation of collective disputes by workers and by employers. 3. Constitutional recognition of the right to strike: subjective scope, content and limits. 4. The right to strike exercise. 5. The prohibition of replacing strikers by the employer. 6. Types of strike. Illegal strikes and unfair strikes. 7. The strike effects. Lesson 9. Collective disputes (II): The strike in essential services. 1. Limits to the right of strike exercise in essential services: constitutional foundation. 2. The concept of essential services. 3. Determination of the minimum service. 4. The breach of the minimum service and its effects. Lesson 10. Collective disputes (III): The employer lockout. 1. The lockout: concept and conditions. 2. The lockout in Spain: constitutional doctrine. 3. Reasons for lockout. 4. Lockout procedure and effects. 5. Lockout and essential services. Lesson 11. Alternative dispute solutions 1. Concept and types. External and autonomous solutions. 2. Non-judicial dispute resolutions: conciliation, mediation and arbitration. 3. Non-judicial dispute resolutions in the Spanish labour law. Particularly, the fifth Agreement on Independent Labour Dispute Resolution (ASAC V). Lesson 12. Collective autonomy and Public Function. 1. The freedom of association and the right to strike of the public servants. 2. The public servants representation: organisation and functions. 3. The collective bargaining in the Public Function: bargaining agents; structure, content and negotiation procedure; types of agreements and effects.
Learning activities and methodology
- Lectures. - Readings on the various issues addressed in the program under study. - Resolution of practical exercises individually, and discussion in class. - Workshops in groups, in class under the supervisión of the teacher. - Analysis and discussion of real cases from courts' decisions. Office hours: by appointment or during the hours established by the teacher at the beginning of the semester. The teacher can also assist the student by email. There will be at least a collective tutoring.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • J.R. MERCADER UGUINA. Lecciones de Derecho del Trabajo. . Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, última edición..
  • MERCADER UGUINA, J. R. (dir.); PUEBLA PINILLA, A. de la (coord.).. Esquemas de Derecho del Trabajo II. Derecho Sindical . Tirant lo Blanch. 2017
  • T. SALA FRANCO. Derecho Sindical, . Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, última edición..
Additional Bibliography
  • A. BAYLOS GRAU (coord). Estudios sobre la huelga. Bomarzo. 2005
  • I.GARCIA-PERROTE / J. MERCADER UGUINA. La reforma de la negociación colectiva. Lex Nova. 2011
  • R. ESCUDERO RODRIGUEZ. , La representatividad sindical en el modelo laboral español, . Tecnos, Madrid, 1990..
  • TUDELA CAMBRONERO, .. Las garantías de los representantes de los trabajadores en la empresa, . Tecnos, Madrid, 1991.
  • VALDEOLIVAS GARCIA, Y.. Antisindicalidad y relaciones de trabajo (un estudio de la conducta antisindical en la empresa). . Cívitas, 1993..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.