Checking date: 28/08/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Social Inequality in Spain. Service Learning
Hispanic Studies (Plan: 285 - Estudio: 84)

Coordinating teacher: TORRE FERNANDEZ, MARGARITA

Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
This is an introductory class. No other class is necessary to enroll in it.
The course combines academic theory with practical experience in real life. On the one hand, the course addresses the study of inequalities and social structure in the Spanish society. On the other hand, it requires the active-learning of the day-to-day activities of different associations and NGOs. This dual strategy of service-learning helps to enrich the personal experience of students, and their academic development, by providing a deeper understanding of the course content while encouraging their sense of civic engagement.
Description of contents: programme
Module I. Social inequality in Spain: I.1. Social inequality and social stratification I.2. The labor market in Spain: An analysis of the current situation I.3. Immigration: the Spanish experience I.4. Social mobility I.5. Changing values and secularization in Spain Module II. The new social movements: II.1. The transition to democracy and the awakening of civil society II.2. Consensus and conflict: Five decades of mobilization in Spain II.3. Social Movements and the emergence of new political organizations in the 21st century II.4. Spain in the global framework; Populism, polarization and politicization of social life.
Learning activities and methodology
1. The academic part of the course is divided into two main blocks: 'Social structure and social Inequalities', and 'The new social movements'. All topics are addressed from both a theoretical and practical approach. Classes are open to debate, and active participation by students is expected. We'll make use of academic documents, audiovisual materials, as well as informative articles. Total hours: 24 hours 2. Service-learning. NECESSARY CONDITION FOR PASSING THE COURSE Students are required to engage in the activities of different associations and NGOs during the semester. Students can freely choose the organization/institution. All activities will be tutored, and students must submit a report at the end of course on their activities in the organizations.¿ Total hours: 16 (minimum)
Assessment System

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.