Checking date: 12/01/2024

Course: 2023/2024

Great Latin American Writers of the 20th Century
Hispanic Studies (Plan: 285 - Estudio: 84)


Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No previous knowledge of Latin American literature or training in literary studies are required.
The main objective of the course is to offer an approach to Latin American history, culture, and politics of the last century through its literature. It is intended that by the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Understand and assimilate basic knowledge about literary language and history of Latin American literature. 2. Identify and describe the main literary movements and the most important cultural debates of the 20th century in Latin America. 3. Improve their analytical and interpretive capacity so that they can apply the concepts acquired to any literary text. 4. Define a well-argued personal opinion about the different literary and political events studied in class.
Description of contents: programme
The course is designed as a journey through the main literary events in Latin America from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Through reading and class discussion, we will reflect on the complexity of the subcontinent's literatures and cultures, acquiring a panoramic view of both these manifestations and the episodes that marked its history and politics. The program will be organized into six thematic units: 1. Remnants of colonialism: nature, extractivism and madness. Texts by Leopoldo Lugones and Horacio Quiroga. 2. Buenos Aires, metropolis and modernity. Texts by Alfonsina Storni and Juan Carlos Onetti. 3. Mexico and the aftermath of the revolution. Texts by Juan Rulfo and Carlos Fuentes. 4. Mexico and the aftermath of the Revolution: the new Mexican narrative. 5. The Río de la Plata and the reinvention of the fantastic. Texts by Jorge Luis Borges and Silvina Ocampo. 5. The Caribbean according to magical realism. Texts by Gabriel García Márquez and Rosario Ferré. 6. After the shock: fictions of the post-dictatorship. Texts by Roberto Bolaño and Mariana Enriquez.
Learning activities and methodology
The critical debate and discussion of the selected literary texts will be the axis of the course. Students must read the texts corresponding to each session in advance so that they can actively participate in class. Class attendance is mandatory. In addition to class participation, students must comply with the different activities proposed throughout the course (comments, reading quizzes, presentations). Towards the end of the semester they must present to the class the topic of their final project or essay. Likewise, willingness and interest in the requested tasks will be valued, as well as attendance (optional) at exhibitions or cultural shows proposed by the professor. There will be a system of tutorials to resolve specific doubts about the contents and activities of the subject, or to design a personalized reading program for those students who wish to delve into any of the authors or topics covered. Tutorials are optional.
Assessment System

Basic Bibliography
  • Alfonsina Storni. Selección de poemas. (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Carlos Fuentes. "(1919: Mayo 20)", fragmento de La muerte de Artemio Cruz. (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Gabriel García Márquez. "Los funerales de la Mamá Grande". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Horacio Quiroga. "Las moscas". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Horacio Quiroga. "El hombre muerto". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Jorge Luis Borges. "El Aleph". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Juan Carlo Onetti. "Avenida de Mayo - Diagonal - Avenida de Mayo". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Juan Rulfo. "Nos han dado la tierra". (dossier proporcionado por el pofesor).
  • Juan Rulfo. "Luvina". (dossier proporcionado por el pofesor).
  • Leopoldo Lugones. "Un fenómeno inexplicable". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Mariana Enríquez. "Cuando hablábamos con los muertos". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Roberto Bolaño. "Ramírez Hoffman, el infame". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Rosario Ferré. "La muñeca menor". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Rosario Ferré. "Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Silvina Ocampo. "Los objetos". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
  • Silvina Ocampo. "El vestido de terciopelo". (dossier proporcionado por el profesor).
Additional Bibliography
  • Alvar, Manuel et al.. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Cátedra. 2008
  • Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1985
  • Bellini, Giuseppe. Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Castalia. 1997
  • Burgos, Fernando. El cuento hispanoamericano en el siglo XX. Castalia. 1997
  • Echevarria, Roberto Gonzalez. Modern Latin American Literature: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 2012
  • Gálvez Acero, Marina. La novela hispanoamericana del siglo XX. Cinel. 1986
  • Jara, René. Los pliegues del silencio: narrativa latinoamericana en el fin del milenio. Episteme. 1996
  • Meade, Teresa A.. History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015
  • Olivio Jimenéz, José. Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea: 1914-1987. Alianza. 1992
  • Oviedo, José Miguel. Antología crítica del cuento hispanoamericano: Del romanticismo al criollismo (1830-1920). Alianza. 1989
  • Rama, Ángel. Transculturación narrativa en América Latina. Siglo XXI. 1982
  • Schwarts, Jorge. Las vanguardias latinoamericanas. Textos programáticos y críticos. Cátedra. 1991
  • Shaw, Donald Leslie. Nueva narrativa hispanoamericana. Cátedra. 1992
  • Villanueva, Darío / Viña Liste, José María. Trayectoria de la novela hispanoamericana actual: del "realismo mágico" a los años ochenta. Espasa-Calpe. 1991
  • Yurkievich, Saúl. Fundadores de la nueva poesía hispanoamericana. Seix Barral. 1979
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.