Checking date: 17/04/2023

Course: 2022/2023

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
International Foundation Program in Engineering (Plan: 490 - Estudio: 84)

Coordinating teacher: MOLINA LOPEZ, JOSE MANUEL

Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The syllabus consists mainly of four blocks: - First, the origins of computers and Artificial Intelligence are introduced along with researchers such as Turing and the ethical problems that can arise. It is intended to foster discussions between opponents and advocates using a movie. - The second block goes into some technical details. The most prominent techniques in AI are introduced and how they are used to solve problems. It is suggested to use different electronic materials to get an overall notion of the kind of problems to deal with and the techniques to handle them. - The third block focuses on Machine Learning. It provides a review of different techniques in the field and a software development will be requested to show how to apply these concepts and how to obtain meaningful results. - The fourth and last block describes various applications of AI in the real world in scenarios such as IoT, Smart Cities, autonomous vehicles, cyber-security, NLP, etc. It is suggested to visit research groups and companies working in these areas.
Description of contents: programme
1. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Universal Turing Machines Can computers think? Computability and algorithm complexity Artificial Intelligence: reality vs expectations 2. Prominent paradigms in AI Expert systems Informed search Stochastic local search. Genetic algorithms Neural networks 3.- Machine Learning What is ML? Real applications of ML Applications in social networks 4.- Social, scientific and industrial matters AI and Big Data Industry 4.0 Singularity
Learning activities and methodology
An activity will be presented for each section of the syllabus:: 1.- Watching a movie and a debate in groups against and in favour of AI 2.- Usage of various web applications to better understand how different AI techniques work 3.- Development of a text mining application in groups 4.- Presentation of a work about a topic of interest introduced in any of the visits to the research groups
Basic Bibliography
  • A.K.Dewdney. The new Turing Omnibus. 66 excusions in Computer Science. Owl Books. 1993
  • Borrajo, D., Gonza¿lez Boticario, J., & Isasi Viñuela, P. Aprendizaje automa¿tico. Sanz y Torres. 2006
  • Callan, R. Artificial intelligence. Palgrave Macmillan. 2003
  • Charles Petzold. The annotated Turing. Wiley. 2008
  • Herbert A. Simon. The sciences of the Artificial. The MIT Press. 1996
  • Institute of Physics Publishing. Machine learning¿: science and technology. publisher. 2020
  • John L. Casti. The Cambridge Quintet. A work of scientific speculation. Abacus. 2003
  • Lance Fortnow. The Golden Ticket. P, NP and the search for the impossible.. Princeton University Press. 2013
  • Martin Davis. The Universal Computer. The road from Leibniz to Turing. Norton. 2000
  • Merino Grande, C. Aplicación del aprendizaje automático a la industria 4.0. -. 2019
  • Roger Penrose. The Emperor's New Mind. Oxford. 2016
  • Seth Lloyd. Programming the Universe. A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos. Vintage Books. 2007
  • Zbigniew Michalewicz, David B. Fogel. How to Solve it: Modern Heuristics. Springer. 2004

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.