Checking date: 10/06/2021

Course: 2021/2022

Religion and Society in Spain
Hispanic Studies (Plan: 285 - Estudio: 84)

Coordinating teacher: REHER DÍEZ, GUILLERMO SVEN

Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


When the course is completed, the students will be able to: ¿ Students will acquire precise knowledge regarding three important religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). ¿ Students will understand the specific processes which affected the history of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. ¿ Students will dominate the dialectic involved in the use of cultural heritage as a mechanism to construct the narrative of the past.
Description of contents: programme
Module 1. Judaism as a historical reality. a. Historical formation context. b. Symbolism and ritual. c. Medieval history. d. Art. Module 2. Christianity as a historical reality. a. Historical formation context. b. Symbolism and ritual. c. Medieval history. d. Art. Module 3. Islam as a historical reality. a. Historical formation context. b. Symbolism and ritual. c. Medieval history. d. Art. Module 4. Hispania as a historical reality. a. The creation of Hispania. b. The Caliphate of Cordoba. c. The End of the Reconquest. Module 5. The ¿three cultures¿. a. Coexistence during the Middle Ages. b. Intolerance during the Middle Ages. c. A historiographical construction. Module 6. Catholic Spain a. Effect of the Catholic imposition on the historical processes of Spain in the Modern Era. b. National-Catholicism of the 20th century. Module 7. The return of the three cultures a. Islam as cultural heritage (visit to the Arab Center in Madrid). b. Judaism in current Spain (visit to the Jewish Center in Madrid). c. Islam as an immigrant religion (visit to the Mosque of Madrid).
Learning activities and methodology
This course involves lectures involving theory regarding the characteristics and history of the three religions included, and their inter-relation in Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. The practical part will include visits to significant places for the minority religions in today¿s Madrid, so that they may better understand the nature of current religious coexistence.
Assessment System
Basic Bibliography
  • Andrés Melquíades. Cristianismo y cultura en España: dos milenios de vida. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. 2016
  • Carlos Díaz. Manual de historia de las religiones. Desclée de Brouwer. 1998
  • Isabel Montes Romero-Camacho. Los judíos en la Edad Media española. Arco-Libros. 2001
  • Juan Vernet-Ginés. Al-Andalus: el Islam en España. Lunwerg. 1999
Additional Bibliography
  • Adrián Tolentino. La influencia de la época medieval sobre el judaísmo actual. Cuadernos Judáicos 32. 2015
  • Antonio Montañés. Interacciones entre cultura(s) y religión en minorías socio-religiosas. El caso de los musulmanes y evangélicos-pentecostales en España. Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research 2015.3. 2015
  • Eduardo Manzano Moreno. Qurtuba: algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el Califato de Córdoba y el mito de la convivencia. Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo 7. 2013
  • Gunther Dietz. La educación religiosa en España: ¿Contribución al diálogo intercultural o factor de conflicto entre religiones?. Estudios sobre las culturas contemporáneas 28. 2008
  • José Sánchez Herrero. ¿Nació el Islam en España?. Hispania sacra 65, Extra 1. 2013
  • Martine Berthelot. El judaísmo en la España actual. RES. Revista Española de Sociología 12. 2009

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.