Checking date: 29/06/2021

Course: 2022/2023

Advanced Metallic Materials
Master in Materials Sciences and Engineering (Plan: 361 - Estudio: 79)


Department assigned to the subject: Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Chemical Basis of Engineering Science and Engineering of Materials
COMPETENCES CB6, Acquire and understand concepts that provide the foundation or opportunity to be original on the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context. CB7, Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills on problem resolution in new or hardly known environments in the context of wide (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the area under study. CB8, Students will be able to integrate knowledge to face the complexity of making assessments based on limited or incomplete information, but considering the ethical and social responsibilities associated to the application of their knowledge and assessments. CB9, Students will be able to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and reasons that support them to both specialized and wide public in a clear and unambiguous manner. CG1, Understand the challenges associated to Materials Science and Engineering in an industrial and research environment. CG2, Know the adequate disciplines to work in a materials¿ lab and optimize getting results. CG3, Develop team working skills in a research environment. CG4, Develop skills to apply the acquired knowledge to the research and development of new materials or in technologies for their processing in strategic sectors. CG5, Combine the interest on innovation and process optimization, with the need of doing so in an environmentally friendly manner. CG6, Acquire the required skills to defend a research project and its results. CG7, Develop creative strategies for decision making to solve problems associated with materials, their design, processing and behaviour. CE1, Discover the latest tendencies in development of new materials and be aware of their potential advantages with respect to more traditional materials. CE2, Be able to design new ways of optimizing the properties of different materials for specific applications, through the modification of their structure and composition. CE3, Know processing systems and advanced synthesis that allow to obtain materials with improved properties. CE4, Acquire ability to optimize a processing technology for specific applications and problems. CE5 Be able to develop creative strategies and decision-making facing problems related to materials, manufacturing and behavior. CE5, Know in detail the most used in research characterization techniques for materials and acquire the skills to autonomously use the associated instrumentation. CE6, Interpret, discuss and elaborate conclusions from experimental data obtained from complex characterization techniques, usual in Materials Science and Engineering. CE7, Know and understand the environmental effect of materials during their life cycle, developing new materials and processing techniques base don sustainability criteria. CE8 Know the environmental impact of materials during the entire their life cycle, and how to minimize it CE9, Consolidate specific research skills in Materials Science and Engineering. CE10, Acquire knowledge and useful scientific and technical skills to solve specific problems associated with the work in a research laboratory in the field of material development and characterization. LEARNING RESULTS Overcoming this matter ensures that the student will be able to: - Apply new manufacturing technologies for specific designs. - Select alloys and design microstructures necessary to meet certain requirements - Identify the most appropriate techniques for recycling metals.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Topics common to the courses: The topics of this matter complement the basic knowledge in Materials Science and Engineering, that students must have acquired during their university training, deepening essentially on the following topics: - Structure and properties of advanced materials. - Advanced materials processing techniques. - Possible advantages and disadvantages of advanced materials versus traditional materials Specific topics of advanced metallic materials: 1) Innovation processes for the obtaining of metals and metal alloys: Thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals of metallurgical processes. Processes innovation as alternatives to the current processes. Recycling of strategic and pollutants metals. 2) Design of alloys by applying phase diagrams: Liquid-solid reactions. Solidification process Solid state reactions. Diffusion kinetics. Time-temperature-transformation diagrams. Characteristics of metallic materials for structural or functional applications. 3) Innovations in ferrous and non-ferrous alloys: Light alloys. Ferrous alloys. Intermetallics. Superalloys. Metal glasses. Porous materials. 4) Joining technologies: Welding processes. Non-fusion welding processes. Welding metallurgy. Effects of the gases. Defectology. 5) Advanced processing of metallic materials: Additive manufacturing.
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES AF1, Theoretical-practical classes. AF2, Lab practices AF3, Tutorials AF4, Work in groups AF5, Individual work from the student AF6, Visits to companies or research labs related to the subject, our from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid METHODOLOGIES MD1, Explanations in class, so the professor develops main concepts of the subject, practical examples or problems MD3, Practical resolution of examples, problems or exercise, by the student (alone or in groups) MD4, Explanation and discussion in class, under professor supervision, of issues related to the subject MD5, Obtaining experimental results in the lab, using research equipments and techniques, under professor supervision MD6, Elaborating Works and reports, alone or in groups
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 65
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 35

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • I.J. Polmear. Light alloys [Recurso electrónico] : from traditional alloys to nanocrystals. . Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. 2006
  • I.J. Polmear. Light alloys : metallurgy of the light metals. Edward Arnold. 1989
  • J.F. Lancaster.. Metallurgy of welding.. Chapman & Hall . 1994
  • . Metals HandBook Volume 01: Properties and Selection Irons Steels and High Performance Alloys.. ASM International. 1990
  • A. Ballester, L.F. Berdeja, J. Sancho. Metalurgia extractiva. Vol. 1 y 2. Sintesis. 2000
  • ASHBY M.F, JONES D.R.H. Materiales para Ingeniería 2. Introducción a la microestructura, el procesamiento y el diseño. Reverté. 2009
  • . Metals HandBook Volume 03: Alloy Phase Diagrams. ASM International. 1990
  • D.A. PORTER, K.E. EASTERLING . Phase transformations in metals and alloys. Chapman & Hall. 1992.
  • G. Lütjering, J. Williams. Titanium. Springer. 2003
  • J.J. Moore. Chemical metallurgy. Butterworth Hesnemann. 1994
  • M. Rey. Cours de metallurgie extractive des métaux non-ferreux. ENSMP. . 1962
  • M.J. Donachie, S.J. Donachie. Superalloys: a technical guide. ASM International. 2002.
  • R. Ferro. Intermetallic chemistry [Recurso electronico] . Elsevier. 2008
  • . Metals Handbook Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, And Soldering. ASM International. 1990

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.