The aim is to introduce humanoid robotics. A historical review of this area of robotics will be done by analyzing human evolution and focusing on bio (human) robot inspired design. The kinematics human models and our walk are analyzed, both from the energy point of view as well temporary efficiency and ergonomics services applications in open environments. All this leads to demonstrate the need for full-size humanoid robots.
The subject focuses on the study of kinematics and dynamics models. Kinematics in the classical methods of robotics with Denavit-Hartemberg are described, but the student is also introduced in the new modeling methods such as Lie Logic and the Product of Exponentials (POE). Also, the concept of global ZMP stability is introduced. In the dynamics of the subject distributed masses and concentrated concentrated models have been studed. Among these models Single and Double inverted pendulum and also the so called "car-table" models will be analyzed.
Another part of the course is dedicated to the generation of walking steps of the robot (gait), control architectures, both hardware and software, and the man-machine interfaces. In addition, OS and programming languages for humanoids as well as software and hardware architectures will be studied. Finally, numerous examples of applications are presented and introduced to the topics of skills, learning and task generation.