The main objectives of this course are: 1) Learn the main characteristics of the most common health systems. 2) Learn the main economic problems and challenges associated with the main health systems and the economic models that were developed to explain them. 3) Discuss and offer solutions to these problems based on economic models and knowledge. 4) Study the main contributions in the literature related to these topics.
By the end of the course, the student should have acquired the knowledge and skills proposed in the syllabus of the course. The course offers an overview of the classic topic of the Economics of Health and Health Care. The production of health and the (historical) role of medical care. Evaluation methods (cost-effectiveness, cost-utility, and cost-benefit), their advantages and disadvantages. Characteristics of health systems and health markets. Private information and its effects on the behaviour of health insurance markets: The demand for health insurance, moral hazard, and adverse selection.
1. Introduction: Why is Health Economics Important?
2. The Health Production Function and the Grossman Model
3. Evaluation Methods
4. Health Systems:
4.1. General Features
4.2. General Characteristics of the Health Care Markets
4.3. Ethics, Efficacy, Effectiveness and Efficiency
4.4. Equity
4.5. Regulation of Pharmacies
5. Health Insurance
5.1. Demand for Health Insurance
5.2. Moral Hazard and Copayments
5.3 Adverse Selection: the Rothschild and Stiglitz Model
6. Reimbursement Methods