1. Pathological alterations of the Nervous System
a. Mechanical
i. Trauma and sectioning
ii. Cell death
iii. Tumours
iv. Vascular failure
b. Demyelination
c. alterations of cellular metabolism and nerve impulse transmission
d. Alterations in neurotransmission
e. Disturbances of effector systems
i. Neuroendocrine
ii. Neuromuscular
2. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies
3. Autoimmune pathologies
4. Neurodegenerative pathologies
5. Episodic and paroxysmal disorders
a. Epilepsy
b. Migraine
c. Headaches
d. Sleeping disorders
In all cases the teaching approach includes the available knowledge on the causes and mechanisms of the diseases, their characteristics, symptomatology and diagnosis, as well as approaches to prevention and treatment.