CB2: Students acquire the ability to apply their knowledge to their work in a professional manner as well as the skills required, normally demonstrated through the formulation and defence of arguments and the resolving of problems within their area of study.
CE8: The ability to differentiate data structures, algorithms, databases and files dealing with the processing of data.
CG1: The acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to analyse and summarise basic problems related with data sciences and engineering, as well as the ability to resolve and communicate them efficiently.
CT1: Students acquire the ability to communicate their knowledge, orally and in writing, to both specialised and general audiences.
RA1: To have acquired the advanced knowledge and demonstrated understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects, as well as the work methodology used in the field of data sciences and engineering, with a depth of knowledge that shows their comprehension of even the most cutting-edge aspects of the subject
RA2: Using arguments and procedures created by themselves, students must be able to apply their knowledge, understanding and abilities to the resolving of problems related to complex labour or professional, specialised situations which require the use of creative and innovative ideas.