Throughout the course, different types of training activities will be carried out, based on the practical use of the concepts learned in the theory classes. The primary type of activity will consist of carrying out a series of exercises composed of several parts, and with increasing difficulty. The simple parts will be solved in a guided way to facilitate understanding of the problems. On the other hand, expository work will be carried out in which the students will have to delve into the subject to prepare works related to the concepts learned, and expose them to the rest of their classmates in an appropriate way. The content of these works, once reviewed and corrected, will be shared with the students and evaluated and evaluated in the midterms. Finally, students will be provided with a set of resources on which they can work optionally (eg, Coursera courses), aimed at reinforcing their learning in specific areas. Completing these optional resources properly will be positively evaluated towards your final grade.
Regarding the tutorial sessions, they will be of two types and given by the teacher: individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or in groups (collective tutorials). For subjects of 6 credits, there correspond 4 hours, online tutoring may be requested if particular circumstances do not allow attending in person.