Training activities
Presential activities
AF1: Master Classes (in synchronous on-line format): these are systematic and orderly exposition sessions of the subject's agenda and selected problems are solved in detail to exemplify the implementation of the theoretical contents. Their objective will be that students acquire the specific competences of each subject and/or course.
AF2: Classroom practical classes: in these sessions we work on the applications of the contents of the subjects, including numerical examples, case analysis, data search, directed work, gamma sessions, etc. The aim is to show students how to act on new problems
AF3: Practical laboratory classes and computer practices: the student will carry out supervised experimental or computer work in specialized laboratories in which he/she will put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in the different subjects and will learn to work safely in the laboratory.
AF6: Individual and/or small group tutorials: this is a personalized attention to students, in a face-to-face way and where a teacher attends, facilitates and guides one or several students in the training process. They allow the teacher to follow the learning process of each student in a more individualized way.
AF10: Evaluation Tests
Non-presential activities
FY12: Individual Study and Self-Employment: to develop the capacity for self-learning Includes the same activities as group work, but done individually. It also includes personal study (preparing examinations, further reading, problem solving and exercises) which is essential for autonomous learning.
MD1: Expository method: oral presentations by the teacher supported, if necessary, with computer material (PowerPoint, videos, etc.). They provide the transmission of knowledge and activation of cognitive processes in the student.
MD2: Problem-based learning: development of active learning through problem solving, which confronts students with new situations in which they have to seek information and apply new knowledge to solve problems.
MD3: Project-oriented learning: carrying out projects in a given time to solve a problem or tackle a task by planning, designing and carrying out a series of activities, all based on the development and application of acquired learning and the effective use of resources.
MD4: Cooperative learning: encourages the development of autonomous learning, through collaboration between peers.