Checking date: 25/03/2019

Course: 2019/2020

Ethics and Culture
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)

Coordinating teacher:

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities

Description of contents: programme
The subject aims to analyse the culture as an ethical construction, and, subsidiarily, ethics as a cultural production. The practices and theorizations of culture are actually ways of use central concepts of the ethical tradition (understanding by that not only the moral philosophy but also the so-called moral sciences, as well as ethical reflection, as it is implicit in literature, art, essay, psychoanalysis, Marxism, or religious experience). There is an elective affinity between the terms of ¿culture¿ and ¿value¿ that it should be carefully explored, and this is the main objective of the subject. There is not any moral concept without cultural counterpart, hence a rigorous ethical analysis of the culture amounts to trace an exact maps of the cultural practices. In addition, the student will acquire expertise in the setting out and discussion of moral dilemmas constantly appearing in cultural practices. 1. Ethical models of culture: habit, norm, discomfort, debt, discipline, excess, transgression. 2. Cultural criticism as a name of ethics 3. Culture and evil: documents of culture and documents of cruelty 4. Ethical responsibility of cultural productions 5. Critic, theorists, spectators, scholars, intruders, consumers, and interpreters: an ethics of the cultural reception 6. Displaced, excluded, dissidents and banished: an ethics of the cultural resistance 7. Ignorant, illiterates, uneducated, and philistines: an ethics of exclusion and cultural rejection
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.