Checking date: 25/04/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Biomedical Image Processing
Master in Information Health Engineering (Plan: 427 - Estudio: 359)

Coordinating teacher: DIAZ DE MARIA, FERNANDO

Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Ability to use techniques for processing massive amounts of medical data and images. Ability to implement medical imaging and data processing methods. In particular, students will not only study the techniques, but they will also implement them in the laboratory, solving practical problems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1.- Digital images 2.- Fundamentals of bioimages 3.- Basic image processing techniques 3.1. Pixel-wise transformations 3.2. Filtering 3.3. Fourier transform 3.4. Interpolation 3.5. Edge detection 3.6. Restoration 4.- Segmentation 5.- Morphological processing 6.- Feature extraction for image classification 7.- Visualization 8.- Wavelets and multiresolution 9.- Keypoint detectors and descriptors 10.- Registration 11.- Advanced segmentation
Learning activities and methodology
AF3 Theoretical practical classes AF4 Laboratory practices AF5 Tutorials AF6 Team work AF7 Student individual work AF8 Partial and final exams Activity code total hours number presencial hours number % Student Presence AF3 134 134 100% AF4 42 42 100% AF5 24 0 0% AF6 120 0 0% AF7 248 0 0% AF8 16 16 100% SUBJECT TOTAL 600 184 30,66%
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • G. Dougherty. Digital Image Processing for Medical Applications. Cambridge University Press. 2009
  • Mark A. Haidekker. Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis. John Willey and Sons. 2011
  • Rafael C. González and Richard E. Woods. Digital Image Processing. Fourth Edition, Pearson. 2018
Additional Bibliography
  • P. Suetens. Fundamentals of Medical Imaging. Cambridge University Press. 2009
  • Wilhelm Burger and Mark J. Burge. Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques. Springer-Verlag. 2009
  • Wilhelm Burger and Mark J. Burge. Principles of Digital Image Processing: Core Techniques. Springer-Verlag. 2009

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.