Checking date: 06/07/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Evolution and Theory of the State
Bachelor in History and Politics (Plan: 394 - Estudio: 352)

Coordinating teacher: SIMON COSANO, PABLO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department, Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Description of contents: programme
PART 1: THEORY OF THE STATE 1. Definitions of the State in the Social Sciences 2. State and war 3. The extractive capacity of the State 4. The coercive capacity of the State 5. The redistributive capacity of the State: the Welfare State 6. The territorial organization of the State: Federalism 7. The size of countries PART 2: STATE FORMS FROM THE BEGINNINGS OF MODERN STATE TO CONTEMPORANEITY. 1. The Beginnings of the Modern State. Conditioning and Basis. 2. The Practice of Leviathan and Westphalian States 3. Centralization and State Reformism. 4. The National State and the Revolutionary Processes. Communism State. 5. The First International Organizations and Sovereignty of the States.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • ALBAREDA SALVADÓ, J., . El nacimiento y la construcción del Estado Moderno. PUV. 2011
  • ANDERSON, O.. El Estado Absolutista. Siglo XXI. 1998
  • FERNÁNDEZ ALBALADEJO, P.. Fragmentos de Monarquía. Alianza. 1992
  • HESPANHA, A. M., . Vísperas del Leviatán: instituciones y poder político. Taurus. 1989
  • HOLMES, L., . Politics in the communist world. Oxford. 1986

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.