Checking date: 05/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

The modern history of Spain
Bachelor in History and Politics (Plan: 394 - Estudio: 352)

Coordinating teacher: VILLALBA PEREZ, ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is recommended to have passed the Modern History subject.
CB1. That students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of ¿¿study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the forefront of his field of study CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ¿¿study CB3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ¿¿study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of social, scientific or ethical nature CB4. That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy CG1. Know the economic, legal, political and social reality from a comparative perspective CG2. Be able to approach and analyze the values ¿¿inherent in equal opportunities, multiculturalism, political, ideological and cultural pluralism, and Fundamental Rights, taking as a maximum, both for present and past societies, the great transcendence of relativism cultural. CG3. Know the techniques of quantitative or qualitative research and ability to discern which is appropriate to apply in the field of Social Sciences and Historiography. CG4 Be able to manage, identify, organize and analyze relevant information in a critical and systematic way about current and past sources, in relation to political or other aspects CG5 Be able to discuss and formulate critical reasoning using precise terminology and specialized resources on international and global phenomena, using both the concepts and knowledge of different disciplines and the methodologies of analysis, paradigms and concepts of Social Sciences. CG6 Be able to apply the scientific method to the social, political and economic questions posed by the globalized society as well as to raise a problem in this area, identifying a possible explanation or solution, and a method to contrast it by carefully interpreting the data. CG7 Know how to make judgments that include an ethical reflection on fundamental social, scientific and economic issues in a representative context of past and present societies, both in the international order as well as in the national or local one. CG8 To assume in a clear and objective way that the study of the past, although it does not inexorably mark us the future paths that will be followed, does allow, through the explanation of the present, to be in the best possible disposition to face that future. CE1b. Know how to analyze and compare the structure and functioning of the main socio-political systems, both in the past and in the present; and, in the Spanish case, when necessary. CE2. Know and understand the processes of political, social, economic and cultural change in society and politics in different historical periods and especially in the contemporary world CE5 Know the main models of territorial, political, economic and social organization of the states throughout history and, with greater attention, in the present. CE6. Know the socio-political impact of the main empires, religions and cultures in historical perspective. CE7a. Understand the main consequences and dynamics generated by inequality. know the principles on which equality policies are based, highlighting the main milestones of the historical process that has led to the current awareness on these issues. CE9. Know and understand the relevance of technological advances in their historical context to become agents of political, economic and social change. CE11 Know how to critically analyze, from their relationship with the present, fundamental political events of the past whose effects have reached our days. CE12. Knowing how to propose and solve basic problems of economic, social, political content in the international context, in the national and local context; paying due attention to the historical precedents of these problems. CE22. Know and understand the main historical processes of the past of Spain that have led to the configuration of the current political structure of Spain. CT2. Be able to evaluate the reliability and quality of information and its sources using such information in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the conventions
Description of contents: programme
1. Previous concepts on the Hispanic Monarchy and Modern History of Spain: Modernity. Chronological and geographical limits. Periodization. Sources and bi- bliography. 2. The origin of modern times in the Peninsula: new economic, social, cultural, geographical and political spaces. The Catholic kings 3. The Hispanic Monarchy. Political and institutional aspects. 4. Society and Economy in the time of the Habsburgs. 5. Culture: The Golden Age and the Baroque in Spain. 6. The War of Succession and the new Bourbon institutions 7. The Spanish illustration. 8. Bourbon Reformism. Contradictions and transition in the XVIII century Spain. 9. Society and economy in Bourbon Spain. 10. Spain in Europe and America
Learning activities and methodology
AF1. THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL CLASSES. They will present the knowledge that students should acquire. They will receive the class notes and will have basic texts of reference to facilitate the follow-up of the classes and the development of the subsequent work. Exercises, practical problems on the part of the student will be solved and workshops and tests of evaluations will be carried out to acquire the necessary capacities. AF2. TUTORIES. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or group (collective tutorials) to students by the teacher. AF3. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP STUDENT WORK. MD1 THEORY CLASS. Exhibitions in the teacher's class with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the materials and bibliography are provided to complement the students' learning. MD2. PRACTICES. Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. raised by the teacher individually or in groups. MD3. TUTORIES. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or group (collective tutorials) to students by the teacher.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • ELLIOTT, J.H. y GARCÍA SANZ, A., coords., . Poder y sociedad en la Espan¿a de los Austrias. Crítica. 1982
  • FEROS, Antonio y GELABERT, Juan, dirs.,. Espan¿a en tiempos del Quijote. Taurus. 2004
  • GARCÍA CÁRCEL, Ricardo, . Las culturas del Siglo de Oro. Historia 16. 1989
  • IGLESIAS, Carmen, dir.,. El mundo que vivió Cervantes. SECC. 2005
  • VV.AA.,. El Siglo del Quijote (1580-1680). Las Letras. Las Artes. Espasa. 1996
Additional Bibliography
  • ALVAR EZQUERRA, Alfredo,. El nacimiento de una capital europea. Madrid entre 1561 y 1606. Turner. 1986
  • BLASCO ESQUIVIAS, Beatriz,. «Grandeza y miseria de Madrid en el Siglo de Oro», El Madrid de Vela¿zquez y Caldero¿n. Villa y Corte en el siglo XVII, Miguel Mora¿n & Bernardo J. Garci¿a, eds.. Ayuntamiento de Madrid/Fundacio¿n Caja Madrid. 2000
  • BOUZA A¿LVAREZ, Fernando,. Corre manuscrito. Una historia cultural del Siglo de Oro. Marcial Pons. 2001
  • BOUZA A¿LVAREZ, Fernando,. «Da¿sele licencia y privilegio». Don Quijote y la aprobacio¿n de libros en el Siglo de Oro. Akal. 2012
  • BOUZA A¿LVAREZ, Fernando, . El libro y el cetro. La biblioteca de Felipe IV en la Torre Alta del Alca¿zar de Madrid. Fundacio¿n Germa¿n Sa¿nchez Ruipe¿rez. 2006
  • BURKE, Peter, . Los avatares de El Cortesano. Lecturas y lectores de un texto clave del espi¿ritu renacentista,. Gedisa. 1998
  • CASTILLO GO¿MEZ, Antonio, comp., . Escribir y leer en el siglo de Cervantes. Gedisa. 1999
  • CA¿TEDRA, PEDRO M. & ROJO, ANASTASIO, . Bibliotecas y lecturas de mujeres. Siglo XVI. Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura. 2004
  • CHARTIER, Roger,. El orden de los libros. Lecturas, autores, bibliotecas en Europa entre los siglos XIV y XVIII. Gedisa. 1994
  • GONZA¿LEZ SA¿NCHEZ, Carlos Alberto & MAILLARD A¿LVAREZ, Natalia,. Orbe tipogra¿fico. El mercado del libro en la Sevilla de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. Trea. 2003
  • GUERRERO MAYLLO, Ana,. El Gobierno Municipal de Madrid (1560-1606). Instituto de Estudios Madrilen¿os. 1993
  • HERNA¿NDEZ, Mauro,. A la sombra de la Corona. Poder local y oligarqui¿a urbana (Madrid, 1606-1808). Siglo XXI. 1995
  • INFANTES, Vi¿ctor; LOPEZ, Franc¿ois; BOTREL, Jean-Franc¿ois (dirs.),. Historia de la edicio¿n y de la lectura en Espan¿a, 1472-1914. Fundacio¿n Germa¿n Sa¿nchez Ruipe¿rez. 2003
  • MOLL, Jaime, . De la imprenta al lector. Estudios sobre el libro espan¿ol de los siglos XVI al XVII. Arco Libros. 1994
  • MORANT, Isabel, dir.,. Historia de las mujeres en Espan¿a y Ame¿rica Latina, 2 vols.. Cátedra. 2005
  • RI¿O BARREDO, Mari¿a Jose¿ del,. Madrid. Urbs Regia. La capital ceremonial de la Monarqui¿a Cato¿lica. Marcial Pons. 2000
  • TENORIO GO¿MEZ, Pilar,. Las madrilen¿as de mil seiscientos: imagen y realidad. Comunidad de Madrid. 2003
  • TOMA¿S Y VALIENTE, Francisco,. «Delincuentes y pecadores», en Sexo barroco y otras transgresiones premodernas. Alianza . 1990
  • VIGIL, Marilo¿, . La vida de las mujeres en los siglos XVI y XVII,. Siglo XXI. 1986 (2a ed., 1994)
  • VILLALBA, Enrique, . ¿Pecadoras o delincuentes?. Delito y ge¿nero en la Corte de los Austrias,. Calambur. 2004
  • VILLALBA, Enrique, . La administracio¿n de la justicia penal en Castilla y en la Corte a comienzos del siglo XVII. Actas. 1993
  • VILLALBA, Enrique, . «Marginacio¿n y delincuencia», en la obra colectiva El Madrid de Caldero¿n y Vela¿zquez. Villa y corte en el siglo XVII, vol. I, pp. 169-180. Ayuntamiento/Fundacio¿n Caja Madrid. 2001

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.