Checking date: 11/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Process engineering and management of hospital services
Master in Clinical Engineering (Plan: 388 - Estudio: 347)

Coordinating teacher: ABELLA GARCIA, MONICA

Department assigned to the subject: Bioengineering and Aeroespace Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No recommendations.
The concepts exposed in this subject will give a global vision of the structural and administrative organization of the general services management of a hospital center, emphasizing on the figure and role of the general services manager. In addition, they will acquire the necessary knowledge about the different management systems that allow the efficient management of processes in the healthcare environment, an aspect in which the engineer will contribute significantly to the improvement of the healthcare system. COMPETENCES THAT THE STUDENT ACQUIRES WITH THIS SUBJECT CB6. Possess knowledge that provides a base or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas CB7. That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study. CB8. That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. CB10. That the students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely autonomous. CG3. Ability to design and carry out technological projects in the field of the application of engineering to medicine, as well as to analyze and interpret their results. CG4. Ability to evaluate medical equipment and instrumentation in complex multidisciplinary environments, assessing the needs of different clinical users and offering objective measures for decision making. CE2. Ability to understand and use the statistical methods necessary for conducting scientific studies, evaluation of equipment from the point of view of effectiveness, accreditation for medical use or study of comparative effects in patients. CE3. Advanced knowledge of health technology management, both in technical and economic aspects, and including the acquisition and maintenance thereof. LEARNING RESULTS THAT THE STUDENT ACQUIRES In overcoming this subject, students should be able to: - Know the skills and competences of a general services manager in a hospital. - Ability to use different management systems that allow the efficient management of processes in the healthcare environment.
Description of contents: programme
The subject content is: - Direction of general services and engineering of a hospital. - Contract law. - Hospital security and surveillance. - Process engineering. o Lean methodology. o Redesign and improvement of processes.
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES - Theoretical class. - Theoretical-practical class. - Seminars and practical visits. - Tutorials. - Individual and team work. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES - Exhibitions in the teacher's class with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. - Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. raised by the teacher individually or in groups. - Exhibition and discussion in class, under the teacher's moderation of topics related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. - Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Basic Bibliography
  • J L Temes Montes; Vicente Pastor y Aldeguer; Jose¿ Luis Di¿az Ferna¿ndez. Manual de Gestión Hospitalaria. MCGrawHill. 1997
  • José Luis Temes Montes, Mercedes Mengíbar Torres. Gestión hospitalaria, 5e. MCGrawHill. 2002
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