Checking date: 09/09/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Organized crime and cyber threats
Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (Plan: 387 - Estudio: 346)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


-To understand the different concepts, theories and approaches related to the study of organized crime and cyberthreats, and their significance in geopolitical processes. -To understand the essential methodologies for analyzing the role played by organized crime and cyberthreats in geopolitical processes. - To understand and analyze some of the main conflicts, problems and current geopolitical challenges, both large and small, linked to organized crime and cyberthreats. - Search, select and synthesize various sources of information on the subjects of the subject, as well as critically evaluate them. - To understand and prepare reports of a geopolitical and strategic nature related to the contents of the subject. - Present information orally and in writing on the topics of this subject.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Organized crime - Definition and characteristics. Origins, evolution and globalization .. First historical references and evolution .. The works on organized crime at the United Nations .. The added value of the European Union. .. Contributions from other international actors, (OSCE, SELEC, etc.) .. The concept of organized crime in Spain - Different traffics and fields of activity .. Narcotic drugs and precursors (Cocaine, Hashish, heroin, synthetics, etc.) .. Contraband of cigarettes .. Fraud and corruption in European Union funds .. Extortion, .. Trafficking of human beings .. Weapons trafficking .. Other illicit activities. .. Financial engineering and money laundering .. Organized crime and corruption .. Organized crime and terrorism. - Presence in the world and impact on societies .. The Balkans and the Turkish mafias .. USA, Central America and the rest of Latin America (maras and cartels) .. Russia and the territories of the former USSR .. The Far East (Chinese triads and Japanese B¿ryokudan) .. The organized African groups (Nigerians, etc.) .. Organized crime. Italy - Strategies and organization. Fight against organized crime and international cooperation .. Interpol's performance .. Strategies in the EU related to organized crime .. The contributions of the EU agencies (EUROPOL, EUROJUST, etc.) .. Advanced cooperation mechanisms against organized crime .. The exchange of information and police intelligence in the EU 2. Cyber threats - Cyber threats: technical characteristics and areas where it operates .. The commercialization and automation of cybercrime .. Threats to operational networks .. the proliferation of indiscriminate attacks - Defence measures against cyber-threats - Strategic dimension of cyber threats
Learning activities and methodology
The training activities will consist of theoretical classes (AF1) and practical theoretical classes (AF3) on the basis of cases related to organized crime and cyber threats based in open sources. The methodology to be used is based on classroom presentations by the teacher (MD1), critical reading of recommended texts (MD2); and the resolution of practical cases in group (MD3)
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ABADINSKY, Howard, . Organized crime. Cengage Learning. 2016
  • GEHEM, M., USANOV, A., RADEMAKER, M., . Assesing cyber security: a meta-analysis of threats and responses to cyberattacks. The Hague centre for strategic studies. 2015
  • HAUCK, Pierre, PETERKE, Sven., . International law and transnational organized crime. Oxford University Press. 2016
  • LEHTO, M., NEITTANMAKI, P.,. Cyber security: analitics, technoogy and automation. Ed. Springer. 2015
  • PAOLI, Letizia. The Oxford handbook of international crime. Oxford University Press. 2014
Additional Bibliography
  • ALBANESE, REICHEL., . Transnational organized crime. An overview from six continents. Sage publications. 2013
  • SERGI, A., . From Mafia to organized crime. Springer. 2017
  • TRIM, P., UPTON, D. Cyber security culture: counteracting cyber threats through organizational learning and training. Routledge. 2016
  • WILLIAMS, P., . Russian organized crime. Routledge. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.