Checking date: 13/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

International Terrorism
Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (Plan: 387 - Estudio: 346)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


General competences, skills and learning results: ¿ Ability to understand the main factors involved in geopolitical strategic analysis and ¿ Ability to understand and analyze from a critical perspective the territorial dimension of the discourses and practices that govern international politics, as well as to contribute to the public debate about them and to deepen the values of democracy, dialogue, tolerance, social and environmental justice and peace. ¿ Ability to understand and analyze national and international conflicts that have a territorial origin or influence and propose political strategies and instruments that can contribute to its resolution. ¿ Ability to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge of geopolitical and strategic studies to the analysis and resolution of cases and concrete empirical problems. ¿ Ability to demonstrate critical thinking in the analytical arguments of their own and of others. ¿ Ability to plan and carry out an autonomous research in the field of geopolitics and strategic studies. ¿ Ability to communicate and present, in a clear, precise and rigorous manner, geopolitical and strategic reports to both specialized and non-specialized audiences Specific competences, skills and learning results: ¿ Ability to understand and use the graphic and cartographic representation techniques of geopolitical and strategic analysis ¿ Ability to understand and prepare reports of geopolitical and strategic nature according to the methods and specific techniques of this type of documents ¿ Ability to understand the main geopolitical problems and challenges of today's world and to identify the most relevant risks and threats to national and international security, as well as to analyze them and propose solutions and instruments to fight them
Description of contents: programme
Common topics of the courses: The analysis of the different conflicts, problems or challenges analyzed will include the following common topics: - Its definition, typology and causes, as well as its sources and methods of study. - Its location and geographic distribution. - Its evolution, development and consequences. - The political instruments promoted to try to regulate, manage or solve them. -The analysis of relevant cases. International terrorism: 1. The different definitions of international terrorism and its implications. ¿ Extremism, radicalism, violent radicalism and terrorism ¿ Political violence by state and non-state actors 2. Geographical distribution and explanatory factors of international terrorism (ideological, political, ethnic, religious, cultural, etc.). ¿ Relevance of the Analysis of the geopolitics of terrorism. World geography of terrorism. Why geography matters for political and ideological purposes. ¿ Ethnic-nationalist terrorism. National liberation movements ¿ Religious-based terrorism ¿ The relation between culture and terrorism ¿ Terrorism sponsored by the State ¿ Global Terrorism 3. Operational and organizational models of international terrorism. (cyberterrorism/social media/type of violent actions lone wolves/cells organization, killing with vehicle, bombs, immolation, bioterrorism¿) 4. Jihadi terrorism: origin, evolution, current situation and prospects. ¿ The sectarianization of the Shia and Sunni communities from the ideological spectrum. ¿ Jihad through Sunni and Shia Islamist movements. Qaeda, Isis and Hezbollah. 5. Other types of terrorism and their presence in different regions of the world. (lone actor terrorist-white supremacist/PKK) 6. International cooperation and fight against terrorism. ¿ International legislation to prevent and fight against terrorism ¿ Violent radicalization processes ¿ Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) and deradicalization measures ¿ The new challenges of global terrorism ¿ Between security and individual freedom.
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching methodologies to be used in this subject ¿ Class presentations with computer and audiovisual media support, in which the main concepts of the course are developed. Course bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. ¿ Critical reading of texts recommended by the teacher of the course: Press articles, reports, manuals and / or academic articles, either for further discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject. ¿ Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. ... raised by the teacher individually or in groups. ¿ Presentations and discussions in class, under the teacher's moderation of topics related to the content of the subject, and practical case¿s exposition and discussion. ¿ Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups. ¿ Main activities of the course as indicated above in the methodology are mainly based on teacher¿s ppt presentations during lectures. Course material will be provided to students, ppt presentations, course readings, bibliographical sources and website resources. ¿ The course consists of diverse practical activities that contribute to enhance the critical abilities and analytical skills of the students. Among such activities are: ¿ Analysis of the representation through the media of the topics covered in the course. ¿ Discussions and Tests on the readings recommended by the teacher in class. ¿ Students¿ Presentation on a topic assigned by the teacher. ¿ Workshop on a topic assigned by the teacher. ¿ Seminars on similarities and differences between the geographical contexts that directly and indirectly influence the different types of political violence of state and non-state actors, represented in different forms of terrorism. ¿ Working document with proposals for the prevention and eradication of terrorism. Selection of a country as a case study ¿ Tutorials: AF5. 2hr per week.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Cutter, Richardson & Wilbanks. The Geographical Dimension of Terrorism: Future Directions. Routledge. 2004
  • De la Calle & Sanchez-Cuenca. What We Talk About When We Talk About Terrorism. Politics & Society, 39(3). 2011
  • Hoffman, Bruce. Inside Terrorism. Columbia. 2017
  • JACKSON, R. LEE, J. GUNNING, J. BREEN SMYTH, M. . Terrorism. A critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. 2011
  • JACKSON, R. LEE, J. GUNNING, J. BREEN SMYTH, M. . Terrorism. A critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. 2011
  • KUNDNANI, A.. A Decade lost. Rethinking Radicalisation and Extremism. Claystone. 2015
  • MARGARITI. A Decade lost. Rethinking Radicalisation and Extremism. Springer. 2017
  • Muro. Ethnicity and Violence: The Caser of Radical Basque Nationalism. Routledge. 2011
  • Radil & Flint. Geographies of Cosmic War: Comparing Secular and Religious Terrorism in Space and Time. Springer. 2015
  • Rapoport. Inside Terrorist Organizations. Frank Cass. 2013
  • Reinares. Al Qaeda's Revenge. The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings. Columbia. 2016
  • Rosenfeld. Terrorism, identity, and legitimacy: the four waves theory and political violence. Routledge. 2010
  • Sageman. Misunderstanding Terrorism. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2017
  • Sageman. Turning to Political Violence. The Emergence of Terrorism. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2017
  • Schmid. The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research. Routledge. 2011
  • Smelser. The Faces of Terrorism. Social and Psychological Dimensions. Princeton University Press. 2007
Additional Bibliography
  • Ashour. The De-Radicalisation of Jihadists: Transforming armed Islamist movements. Routledge. 2010
  • Bloom. Women and Terrorism. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2012
  • Byman. Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Global Jihadist Movement. Oxford University Press. 2015
  • Castan Pinos & Radil. The Territorial Contours of Terrorism: A Conceptual Model of Territory for Non-State Violence. Terrorism & Political Violence . 2018
  • Folch-Serra. ¿Las múltiples geografías del Terrorismo¿. Tirant lo Blanch. 2006
  • Hampson. ¿Detention, the ¿War on Terror¿ and International Law¿. Ashgate. 2007
  • Jalloul. ¿Sharia y fiqh, su significado como corpus legal¿ . Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Coruña. 2016
  • Pain. ¿Everyday terrorism: Connecting domestic violence and global terrorism¿. Progress in Human Geography. 2014
  • Perliger & Pedahzur. ¿Counter Cultures, Group Dynamics and Religious Terrorism¿. Political Studies. 2016
  • Roy. ¿Who are the new jihadis?¿. The Guardian. 2017
  • Saad Ghoyareb. Hezbollah, Politics and Religion. Pluto. 2002
  • Saiya & Scime. ¿Explaining religious terrorism: A data-mined analysis¿. Conflict Management and Peace Science . 2015
  • Sanchez-Cuenca & De la Calle. "Domestic Terrorism: The Hidden Side of Political Violence". Annual Review of Political Science. 2009
  • Schwartz, Dunkel & Waterman. "Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective". Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 2009
  • Simons & Tucker. ¿The Misleading Problem of Failed States: a ¿socio-geography¿ of terrorism in the post-9/11 era¿. Third World Quarterly. 2007
  • Todd, York & Chalk. ¿Promoting Online Voices for Countering Violent Extremism¿. RAND. 2013
  • Wade. A War on Terror? The European Stance on a New Threat, Changing Laws and Human Rights Implications. Springer. 2010
  • Warf. ¿Relational geographies of cyberterrorism and cyberwar¿. Space and Polity. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.