Checking date: 20/09/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Digital expression and documentation techniques
Bachelor in Management of Public Security (Plan: 377 - Estudio: 341)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
They do not exist.
Upon completion of this course, the student: 1. You will be able to make and defend arguments and solve problems within your area of study. 2. Will be able to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues. 3. It will be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public. 4. Write, represent and interpret technical documentation related to Security. 5. Will adequately present the results of an investigation or crisis situation to the media. 6. Will be able to handle document management tools, statistics, databases related to crimes, social phenomena and preparation of operations. 7. Will be able to communicate verbally and in writing in an international security management environment and use information resources.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
DIDACTIC UNIT 1. THE EXPOSIVE CONTEXT 1. Communication and its speeches. 2. The documents 3. Visual discourse 4. The textual discourse 5. Argumentation: structure and techniques. Rhetoric and Dialectic DIDACTIC UNIT 2. ORAL SPEECH 1. Orality: characteristics and requirements 2. The debate: discourse connectors, premises, techniques 3. Features 4. Requirements 6. Typology DIDACTIC UNIT 3. WRITTEN TEXTUAL DISCOURSE 1. Text structure: elements 2. Text structure: properties 3. Content: messages and organization. Concept maps 4. Dissemination of textual content. Styles 5. Types of texts DIDACTIC UNIT 4. DIGITAL DISCOURSE 1. Idiosyncrasy 2. The readings 3. Treatment and instruments 4. From information search to content management
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of theoretical knowledge (1 ECTS), through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher, online tutorials, specialized reading, and the students' personal study, related to theoretical competences. Acquisition of practical skills and abilities (2 ECTS), through case-studies oriented to oral and writting communication, information seeking in web sources, analysis of these sources, evaluation of results, presentation and citation of content. Student assignments will be done partly in the classroom with direct supervision of the teacher; and partly out of the classroom with the support and subsequent control of the teacher. These assignments will be in particular oriented on the acquisition and development of practical skills. The days and hours of tutorship sessions for each group will be available in the course space in Aula Global.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • Abadal Falgueras, E. y Codina, L. . Bases de Datos documentales: Características, funciones y método. . Madrid: Síntesis, . 2005
  • Ballenato Prieto, G.. Hablar en público: arte y técnica de la oratoria. . Pirámide. 2006
  • Bothma, T.J.D.. Navigating Information Literacy: your Information Society Survival Toolkit. . Pearson Prentice Hall,. 2012.
  • Cassany, D.. La cocina de la escritura. Madrid: Ariel,. 2007.
  • Cordón García, J.A. et al.. Las nuevas fuentes de información. Información y búsqueda documental en el contexto de la web 2.0. . Madrid: Pirámide, . 2010.
  • Gómez Torrego, L.. Hablar y escribir correctamente. Gramática normativa del español actual, 2 vols.. Madrid: Arco Libros,. 2011.
  • Morales, C. J.. Guía para hablar en público. Método completo y práctico para las más diversas situaciones.. Madrid: Alianza,. 2007.
  • Pacios Lozano, A.R. (coord.). Técnicas de búsqueda y uso de la información. Madrid: Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, . 2013.
  • Queneau, R.. Ejercicios de estilo.. Madrid: Cátedra,. 2008.
  • Salazar, I.. Las profundidades de Internet. Accede a la información que los buscadores no encuentran y descubre el futuro inteligente de la Red. Gijón: Trea,. 2005
Additional Bibliography
  • Will be provided . in class as . subjects are . are taught

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.