Checking date: 28/08/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Information centres management
Bachelor in Management of Information and Digital Contents (Plan: 376 - Estudio: 340)

Coordinating teacher: PACIOS LOZANO, ANA REYES

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Introduction to business administration (Academic Year 1)
- Understand and know how an information center is managed and its basic functions - Identify the organizational structure and management bodies of an information center and understand the dynamics of organizational functioning - Approach the way in which information centers plan their services - Know the basic processes and management techniques related to personnel and economic-financial resources of an information center - Know the methods and instruments for evaluating management - Understand the methodologies to measure the economic and social value of the activities of information centers COMPETENCIES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE QUALIFICATION (Link to document) Competencies: General (CG1), Specific (CE1, CE4, CE11), Transversal (CT2, CT3) Learning Outcomes: RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5 SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCIES OF THE SUBJECT THAT THE STUDENT ACQUIRES 1. Understand the role attributed to information units in the current hybrid information environment, considering their condition as service organizations and open systems to the environment. To know the importance that, in the professional practice, management and its functions have to be able to meet the information needs of the communities to which they are directed 2. Know how to divide and organize work by applying the appropriate criteria depending on the type of organizational structure that allows organizational objectives to be met. To understand the process orientation in organizational functioning and to prepare process maps and cards. To put into practice professional deontology. 3. Create plans and programs. To foresee, organize, manage and carry out a project to a successful conclusion, taking into account the availability of human, technical and economic resources and time requirements 4. Know the basic processes and management techniques related to human resources and understand the role that competencies play in personnel management 5. Know the main elements involved in the management of the economic-financial resources of an information unit. To understand the main budgetary techniques and cost systems used and to identify cost measurement units 6. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the organization, information products or services. Establish and use evaluation indicators to facilitate the elaboration of improvement actions. 7. To understand the methodologies for measuring the economic and social value of the activities of information units.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1) Concept and types of information units 1.1. The importance of Information Units in the Knowledge Society. 1.2. Conceptual dimension and types of Information Units. 1.3. The holistic view of Management and its functions in information units 2) Organization and management bodies of information units 2.1. The organizational structure and dynamics. 2.2. Operation within the organization: Processes, Organizational documents and Professional deontology 3) Planning as the basis for management 3.1. Objectives as the driving force of organizational action. 3.2. Project management: process 4) Human resources management 4.1. Human Resources Management, Leadership, new trends. 4.2. Planning and Development. 4.3. Processes involved in personnel management 5) Economic and budgetary management 5.1. Management of economic-financial resources: general concepts. 5.2. The budget. 5.3. Costs in libraries and information centers 6) Management evaluation 6.1. The holistic approach to control and evaluation within the framework of Quality Management. 6.2. Performance measurement tools: from statistics to quality tools 7) Social and economic impact of information units
Learning activities and methodology
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE - Training Activities: AF1 (Theoretical-Practical Classes), AF2 (Individual and/or Group Tutoring), AF3 (Individual or Group Student Work) Teaching Methodology and Tutoring System: MD1 (Teacher lectures in class: will present the knowledge that students should acquire and will provide the basic reference texts to facilitate the follow-up of classes and the subsequent development of the student's work), MD2 (Practical exercises: will include the resolution of practical cases, problems, etc., raised by the teacher, individually or in groups, aimed at promoting the acquisition of the necessary skills), MD3 (Tutoring: will assist the student, individually or in groups, by the teacher) SUBJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS -The training activities will be aimed, on the one hand, at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge (3 ECTS) through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher, specialized readings and debates, as well as personal study by the students; on the other hand, at acquiring skills and abilities (3 ECTS) through readings, case studies and individual and/or group practical exercises (where, where appropriate, they could include activities that require the use of Artificial Intelligence tools), to reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student and develop their ability to apply it to specific situations - Tutorials, as an action of support and advice from the teacher to the student, which complements their training process and development of skills, will provide individual/group assistance to the student when requested by them or when necessary in the opinion of the teacher
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Alles, M. Dirección estratégica de Recursos Humanos. Gestión por competencias. Granica. 2008
  • Bryson, J . Técnicas de gestión para bibliotecas y centros de información. Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. 1992
  • Dugan, R.E., Hernon, P., Nitecki, D.A . Viewing Library Metrics from Different Perspectives: Inputs, Outputs, and Outcomes. Libraries Unlimited. 2009
  • Evans, G.E. & Alire, C.A . Management basics for information professionals. Facet publishing. 2013
  • Fleming-May, R & Mays, R . Fundamentals of Planning and Assessment for Libraries. ALA Neal-Schuman. 2021
  • Gómez Yáñez, J.A. (Coord.) . El valor económico y social de los servicios de información: Bibliotecas. FESABID; Secretaría de Estado del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 2013
  • Hussey, L.K. & Velasquez, D.L . Library Management 101: A Practical Guide, Second Edition. ALA Editions. 2019
  • Koizumi, M . Inherent Strategies in Library Management. Chandos Publishing. 2017
  • Lozano Díaz, R . La biblioteca pública del siglo XXI: atendiendo clientes, movilizando personas. Trea. 2006
  • Moran, B. B., & Morner, C. J . Library and Information Center Management, 9th Edition. ABC-CLIO. 2017
  • Paños, A . Administración de recursos en unidades informativas. DM. 2004
  • Pérez Pulido, M . Ethics Management in Libraries and Other Information Services. Chandos Publishing. 2018
  • Riascos González, J.A . De la estructura por funciones al enfoque basado en procesos y a la visión sistémica de la organización. Revista Ciencias Estratégicas, 14(15), pp. 37-46.. 2006
  • Solimine, G . Gestión y planificación de bibliotecas. Alfagrama. 2010
  • Stubbing, A . Data Driven Decisions: A Practical Toolkit for Library and Information Professionals. Facet Publishing, UK. 2022
  • Vergueiro, W. & Miranda, A.C.D. (Orgs). Administraçao de unidades de informaçao. Editora da FURG Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. 2007
  • Weingand, D . Gestión de la biblioteca pública actual: El control (1,2,3). Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Año 15, vol. 59, pp. 77-94.. 2000
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
  • They will be made available progresses · as the course progresses : http://
Additional Bibliography
  • It will be made available. as the course. progresses..
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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