Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Management of Information and Digital Contents (Plan: 376 - Estudio: 340)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 18.0 ECTS


1. Studenst must get a global and direct vision of the digital operations of public institutions or companies, specially of those immersed in the process of digital transformation. 2. To acquire the necessary capacity for the performance of professional work within the framework of the departments or functional areas of companies and institutions immersed in the digital field. 3. To know and become familiar with the work routines in the processes of information management in the digital medium. 4. To be able to establish good interpersonal communication and work in multidisciplinary and international teams.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Practicum represents for the student the initiation to the performance of the profession in management of information and digital content in the field of companies, organizations, public or private institutions dedicated, in whole or in part, to the management of information and digital content , management of social networks and web environments, analytics, or digital marketing, among others. With the completion of these professional activities, students are expected to obtain complete training and can put into practice the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in their studies. All this, always, under the supervision and guidance of a professional of the company or organization in which the student is integrated as an internship student.
Learning activities and methodology
The purpose of the Practicum is to offer students a first approach to the world of work by carrying out curricular practices in companies or institutions. The specific content of the practices will be determined by the company, organization or institution in which the student finally develops this activity. In any case, among the many professional activities that students can perform in a general way in the majority of companies or organizations that are immersed in the digital world, the following can be found: - Management of the contents that are published in the digital media and assets of the organizations for which they work. - Coordination of all required aspects for the proper functioning of an institutional or intranet website. - Management of the SEO for web in search engines and optimization of the conversion in the different digital assets. - Management of social networks and web environments according to the internal and external communication policies of the organization. - Selection and evaluation of information sources for the different digital media of the company or organization. - Dynamization of networks and virtual communities. - Data processing of the digital assets of the organization. - Website analytics, audience analysis, social networks, users and products, microsites, mobile applications, etc. - Participation in marketing campaigns developed by marketing managers.
Assessment System
The evaluation of student performance is carried out through two fundamental aspects: - 40% of the mark: the memory of activities in which the student will summarize the tasks he has developed in the practices and the learning done. - 60% of the grade: the report of the tutor in the company describing the perception of the company about the work the student has done. Both requirements, activities report and tutor report, are mandatory to pass the course. The student's evaluation will be carried out by the tutor responsible for the company or organization in a questionnaire designed and sent by the University. Aspects such as the tasks performed by the student, their personal disposition, the personal relationships established with both users / clients, where appropriate, as with colleagues and with the staff working in the company, organization or institution, will be assessed and qualified, among others. The memory of the work performed will assess the performance of each student and their ability to analyze the peculiarities of the organization and identify the areas or services it integrates, as well as its operation. The student's memory will also be carried out on a model provided by the Department responsible for the Degree.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.