- Theory: 1.5 ECTS. The aim is to achieve the specific cognitive skills of the subject
- Problem-based learning: 0.75 ECTS. Specific works under the supervision of the teacher about real problems.
- Practical: 1 ECTS. To develop specific skills instrumentals and traversals, such as teamwork, analysis and synthesis.
We also aim to develop specific skills attitude.
- Tutoring: 0.5 ECTS. With the presence of teacher to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in class.
- Review: 0.25 ECTS. Set of written tests, oral, practical projects, works, etc.. used in the assessment of student
progress. They aim to influence and complement in the development of specific cognitive and procedural skills.
- Practical Self-work : 0.5 ECTS. Lab works studied under a didactical guide provided by teacher.
- Self-Theoretical study: 1.5 ECTS. Study of content related to "classroom" (test study, library work, reading, doing
problems and exercises, etc.)