Checking date: 09/06/2021

Course: 2021/2022

Industry 4.0: Direction and management
Bachelor in Management of Information and Digital Contents (Plan: 376 - Estudio: 340)

Coordinating teacher: ALVAREZ GIL, MARIA JOSEFA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
There are no pre-requirements
Students are asked to: CB1. have demonstrated that they possess and understand knowledge in an area of ¿¿study that starts at the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of your field of study CB2. they know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ¿¿study CB3. have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ¿¿study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature CG1. Know in depth the bases of the scientific discipline of business administration (business concept, institutional and legal framework, organization and management techniques). CT2. They are able to correctly expose and write a topic or compose a speech in a logical order, supplying accurate information and in accordance with established grammatical and lexical norms. CT3. Be able to assess the reliability and quality of the information and its sources using such information in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the study area. CT5. Know and be able to manage interpersonal skills on initiative and responsibility, negotiation, emotional intelligence, etc. as well as calculation tools that allow consolidating the basic technical skills that are required in all professional fields. CE3. Know the operation of the different functional departments of a company (production, marketing, human resources, finance, etc.), and carry out with ease any management work in them. CE11. Know and know how to apply the existing planning tools in the company that competes in the digital age. RA1. Have acquired advanced knowledge and demonstrated an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and of the working methodology in the field of business administration and digital technology with a depth that reaches the forefront of knowledge RA3. Have the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions, including, when necessary and pertinent, reflection on issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the field of business in the digital age.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Tema 1: Introducción al concepto Industria 4.0: aplicabilidad a la industria y los servicios Tema 2; La arquitectura digital de la empresa: núcleo y fronteras Tema 3: Nuevos modelos de negocio Tema 4: Los datos: la nueva materia prima empresarial Tema 5; La revolución digital en las tecnologías de procesos. Los escenarios IIoT Tema 6: Diseño digital de bienes y servicios Tema 7; Sistemas ERP tema 8: Digitalización y globalización
Learning activities and methodology
AF1. CLASES TEÓRICO-PRÁCTICAS. En ellas se presentarán los conocimientos que deben adquirir los alumnos. Estos recibirán las notas de clase y tendrán textos básicos de referencia para facilitar el seguimiento de las clases y el desarrollo del trabajo posterior. Se resolverán ejercicios, prácticas problemas por parte del alumno y se realizarán talleres y pruebas de evaluación para adquirir las capacidades necesarias. AF2. TUTORÍAS. Asistencia individualizada (tutorías individuales) o en grupo (tutorías colectivas) a los estudiantes por parte del profesor. AF3. TRABAJO INDIVIDUAL O EN GRUPO DEL ESTUDIANTE. MD1. CLASE TEORÍA. Exposiciones en clase del profesor con soporte de medios informáticos y audiovisuales, en las que se desarrollan los conceptos principales de la materia y se proporcionan los materiales y la bibliografía para complementar el aprendizaje de los alumnos. MD2. PRÁCTICAS. Resolución de casos prácticos, problemas, etc. planteados por el profesor de manera individual o en grupo. MD3. TUTORÍAS. Asistencia individualizada (tutorías individuales) o en grupo (tutorías colectivas) a los estudiantes por parte del profesor. Para asignaturas de 6 créditos se dedicarán 4 horas con un 100% de presencialidad.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 10
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 90
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • Alec Ross. The industries of the future. Simon and Schuster . 2016
  • Klaus Schwab. The fourth industrial revolution . world economic forum. 2016
Additional Bibliography
  • aa vv. lecturas varias proporcionadas por la profesora. copy red. 2017, 2018

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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