1. Introduction to the concepts of border and population movement
1.1 Definition of border and its importance in international relations
1.2 Types of borders: political, economic, cultural, social, etc.
1.3 Definition of population movement and its relation to borders
1.4 Types of population movement: migration, refugees, internally displaced persons, etc.
2. Borders and state sovereignty
2.1 The border as a territorial limit and state sovereignty
2.2 The importance of borders for national security and migration control
2.3 The tensions between state sovereignty and the free movement of people
3. The impact of globalization on borders and population movements
3.1 Globalization as a phenomenon that transforms borders
3.2 Migration flows and economic globalization
3.3 The influence of globalization on migration policies
4. Challenges in managing borders and population movements
4.1 Managing borders and international cooperation
4.2 Challenges in managing migration flows
4.3 Policies for integrating immigrants into receiving societies
5. Case studies
5.1 Case studies of population movements and borders in different regions of the world
5.2 Comparative analysis of migration policies in different countries
5.3 Case studies of international cooperation in managing population movements and borders