Checking date: 21/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor Thesis (Law)
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Law (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 412 - Estudio: 321)

Coordinating teacher: RODRIGUEZ RODRIGO, JULIANA

Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department, International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department, Private Law Department, Public State Law Department, Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Requirements to enroll in the Bachelor Thesis (BT): only those students who enroll in all the pending courses for finishing their studies, can register for the thesis. Requirements for access to the TGF assessment: maximum of 30 ECTS pending to obtain the degree, included in this computation the credits of external internship.
- Knowledge of legal questions. - Knowledge of legal methodology: techniques, use of doctrine, legal argumentation, etc. - Writing communication skills. - Oral communication skills. - Ethical skills. - Use of knowledge for solving legal problems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The students must develop an individual thesis where they show the skills and abilities acquired in the Degree. The Bachelor Thesis must be original, with a theoretical or applied orientation. The students will have assigned a personal tutor to supervise their Bachelor Thesis. There are two ways to organize the relationship with the tutor: A) General modality: The students are organized in class groups analogously to any other subjects (enrolment, class, intranet...). Each group is linked to a specific field of knowledge, with a specialized tutor in that area. Students joining a group implicitly accept to develop a Bachelor Thesis in that particular area. The student will propose a particular topic to the tutor, who must authorize the project. The maximum number of students per class is determined by the Bachelor direction, according to the university rules. If for one class the demand exceeds the supply, the assignment will be based on students' previous academic records. B) Specific modality: This is a specific subject work to be done by a student under the supervision of one tenured professor of the university. The students wishing to work on this type of mode should request the professor for the acceptance to supervise their work beforehand. Then, candidate students must submit to the general coordinator of this subject an application form signed by the professor who accepts to supervise his bachelor thesis, for consideration and approval.
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching-learning method will be tutorial. The tutor is the advisor who guides the students of the best options to choose throughout the thesis preparing process. According to University rules, each tutor must schedule a minimum of two orientation sessions, collective or individual. The tutor will give general instructions to the students and mark the rhythmthat he considers appropriate: assignment of specific topics, methodological approaches, issues to be addressed in the tutorials, partial reviews and delivery of preliminary drafts, communication system with students , as well as additional indications on the structure and form of the work in accordance with the characteristics of each legal culture, etc. The dedication of each tutor will be at least five hours per student, of which a minimum of three will be of individual dedication. The tutoring period concludes at the end of the second semester school period.
Assessment System
The submission of the BT implies its presentation and consequent qualification (except that the student does not meet the required academic requirements). The University uses Turnitin for the delivery of student works. This program compares the originality of the work delivered by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text copied and pasted. Plagiarism in the work will suppose the qualification of failure in the corresponding call, as well as the application of the sanctioning measures provided by the University. Each tutor must complete a motivated report assessing the skills demonstrated by the student during the preparation of the Bachelor Thesis. The tutor's grade will weigh 30% in the final grade for the course. All BT must be defended orally. A committee of two professors will assess written thesis, the oral presentation and the answers to the questions posed to the student. The committee grade will weigh 70% in the final grade.
Basic Bibliography
  • Escudero Alday, Rafael y García Añón, José. Cómo se hace un trabajo de investigación en Derecho. Los Libros de la Catarata. 2013
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • Azúa, S.. Metodología y técnicas de la investigación jurídica. Porrúa. 1990
  • Courtis, C. (ed.). Observar la ley. Ensayos sobre metodología de la investigación jurídica. Trotta. 2006
  • Cuerda, A.. Cum Laude. Guía para realizar una tesis doctoral en Derecho. Tecnos. Madrid
  • Eco, U.. Cómo se hace una tesis. Gedisa. 1994
  • Latorre, V.. Bases metodológicas de la investigación jurídica. Tirant lo Blanch. 2011
Additional information
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.