Generally speaking, the understanding of fundamental concepts of the criminal process will be promoted through the use of legal texts, databases and collections of jurisprudence, alternating with training in team work and developing skills in written and oral presentation.
In particular, the subject will promote the theoretical and practical knowledge essential for the development of professional practice in the field of criminal procedure, promoting skills such as:
- Mastery of the criminal process in its various procedural modalities
- Preparation of the defence and the criminal prosecution
- Drafting of complaints, accusations, defence, accusations, various procedural steps, as well as the drafting of sentences and appeals
- Preparation of judicial opinions
- Management of legislation and jurisprudence databases
- Knowledge and practical advice for the development of a professional career related to the practice of criminal law as a lawyer and prosecutor
- Basic knowledge for the development of a professional career related to the Administration of Justice as a judge, LAJ, prosecutor, management bodies, processing and judicial assistance.
- Oral and written skills to advocate.