Checking date: 28/05/2022

Course: 2024/2025

European integration process
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Law (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 412 - Estudio: 321)


Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Not applicable
BASIC COMPETENCES CB1 Be able to show that they possess and comprehend facts and contents in an area of study which, based on a previous general secondary school level, have been extended to those included in advanced textbooks and in some aspects proceed from the most advanced studies in this area. CB2 Be able to show that they have learned how to apply their knowledge professionally to their future jobs or tasks and that they possess the competences needed to develop and defend arguments and solve problems in that area of study. CB3 Be able to show that they are capable of collecting and interpreting the relevant data (normally within their area of study) needed for formulating judgments which require critical thought on social, scientific and ethical topics of relevance. CB4 Be able to show that they are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialized and non-specialized publics. CB5 Be able to show that they have developed the learning skills required to perform further studies with a high degree of self-dependence. GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1 Know and understand social, political, legal and economic realities from a comparative perspective. CG2 Be able to approximate and analyze the intrinsic values concerning equality of opportunities, multi-cultural society, political, ideological and cultural pluralism, and human rights, in the international community. CG5 Be able to debate and formulate critical reasoning, using precise terminology and specialized resources, when analyzing international and global phenomena, employing both the concepts and knowledge from different disciplines as well as the methods of analysis, paradigms and concepts pertaining to the Social Sciences. CG6 Be able to apply scientific method to the economic, social and political questions of a global society and, at the same time, be able to formulate problems in this context, identifying a possible explanation or solution, and a method to contrast them by sensibly interpreting the data. TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES CT1 Acquire the capacity to communicate knowledge in oral and written form, both to specialized and to non-specialized publics. CT2 Acquire the capacity to establish a good interpersonal communication and to work both in interdisciplinary and international teams. CT3 Acquire the capacity to organize and plan workloads, taking correct decisions based on the available information, collecting and interpreting relevant data in order to provide assessments in that area of study. CT4 Develop the motivation and capacity to perform independent lifelong learning, with an endowment to adapt to change and new situations. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES CE1 Be familiar with the principal political and social theories. Be capable of analyzing and comparing the structure and functioning of the main contemporary socio-political systems. CE2 Be familiar with and understand the processes of political, social, economic and cultural change in contemporary society and politics. CE3 Be familiar with the system of sources of Law. CE4 Be familiar with the model of public freedoms and fundamental rights in both Spanish and international legal systems. CE5 Be familiar with the main state models of territorial, political, economic and social organization. CE7 Understand the main consequences and dynamics, which generate inequality, and comprehend the principles on which equal opportunity policies are based. CE10 Be able to discern the differentiating elements in international problems in accordance to the development stages of a country. CE11 Be able to critically relate present and past events and processes. CE12 Be able to formulate and solve basic economic, social and political problems in an international context. CE14 Be able to design and evaluate viable and sustainable political and socio-economic programs aimed ad social improvement. CE16 Be able to carry out case studies and apply comparative method to analyze institutions, processes and policies in different countries. LEARNING OUTCOMES · Knowledge regarding the main processes of supranational integration in the different world regions in their successive stages · Knowledge regarding the dynamics of economic growth and convergence in the world economy in the long term and their determinants economies, as derived from different theories of economic growth and models of international trade and specialization · Knowledge to assess the impact of integration processes on the institutional and political development throughout the second half of the twentieth century and the XXI century. -Knowledge to evaluate and discuss the lines of possible extension and future deepening in the process of supranational integration
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
-Nation, Federation, Confederation. Integration of States. -Postcolonial associations of States: the British Commonwealth. -Free trade areas, customs unions, common markets, economic unions. -Europe and the European Union: from the medieval universalism to the Treaty of Westphalia; the age of European empires; eurocentrism and colonialism; nationalisms versus the pan-European movement; the two world wars and the crisis of European consciousness; first attempts of integration: the Council of Europe; BENELUX; the birth of the European Communities: ECSC, EEC and EURATOM; institutional problems and successive enlargements; the Single European Act and the treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice. -The economic logic of political and institutiional integration. -Other models of integration: OEEC, COMECON, EFTA. -Europe to globalization. Integration processes in the American context: LAFTA, LAIA, Mercosur, the Andean Group, NAFTA. -Integration processes in Africa and Asia.
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching methodology is based on a combination of introductory explanations by the professor for each topic and the active participation of the student through preparing and presenting papers, individual and group oral presentations and participation in debates based on topics from the presentations. To facilitate these activities, the student will have access to documents consisting of a program and a list of doctrinal, legal and institutional texts that will be analyzed and commented on. An extensive system of tutoring will be established, aimed at solving issues and problems related to classes and materials and to the orientation for the preparation of essays and oral and written presentations.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • A. TRUYOL Y SERRA. La integración europea. Análisis histórico-institucional con textos y documentos. Vol. I. Barcelona, Tecnos. 1999-2002
  • F. ALDECOA LUZURRAGA. La integración europea. Análisis histórico-institucional con textos y documentos. Vol. II. Barcelona, Tecnos. 2003
  • W. URWIN. The community of Europe: a history of European integration since 1945. Londres, Longman. 2007
Additional Bibliography
  • A. MORENO JUSTE; V. NÚÑEZ PEÑAS. Historia dela Construcción europea desde 1945. Madrid, Alianza. 2017
  • F. POZZOLI (a cura). Europa la più nobile, la più bella. Idee e ideali dell'Europa dalle origini ai giorni nostril. Milán, Tascabili. 1991
  • W. LIPGENS. Documents on the history of European integration. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter. 1991

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.