The subject will consist on both plenary lectures and seminar sessions.
The main aim is to provide conceptual tools the students in order to develop their own learning process. Critical and conceptually consistent argumentations, on the basis of the subject themes and lectures, will be most than welcome.
Students are expected to constantly compare and cross-check the different ideologies and authors presented throughout the Plenary Lectures.
Classical works will be directly read and analyzed. Great importance will be paid to the historical, political and social context that gave birth to these texts.
Students are expected to study in depth one particular ideology.
The subject will consists on the following activities and tasks:
Plenary Lectures
Surgery hours to solve potential questions to supervise the Research project
Both individual and group work, including compulsory readings and presentation of a group (delimitation of the scope of the analysis, organization of contents, critical selection of bibliography, draft elaboration and final writing and public defense)