Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Political theory and problems contemporary
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Political Science (2018 Study Plan) (Plan: 411 - Estudio: 320)

Coordinating teacher: LOSADA MAESTRE, ROBERTO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Although it is advisable to have taken the course Political Theory and Traditions of Thought, it is not essential.
Understanding the influence of ideologies on current political and social movements. Recognizing and distinguishing the main Western ideologies and its different roots, both political and historical Acquiring through the knowledge of the main concepts, currents of thought and discussions on political theory, the necesary theoretical tools to analyze political phenomena today. Learning how to relate political ideologies and policies in response to problems of modern societies such as multiculturalism and inmgration or nationalism and the crisis of the nation-state model, for instance. Developing both reason and argument skills.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
UNIT I: REPUBLICANISM Origins and Development Central themes Relevant thinkers UNIT II: COMMUNITARIANISM Origins and Development Central themes Relevant thinkers UNIT III: MULTICULTURALISM Origins and Development Central themes Relevant thinkers UNIT IV: FEMINISM Origins and Development Central themes Relevant thinkers UNIT V: ECOLOGISM Origins and Development Central themes Relevant thinkers
Learning activities and methodology
The course includes both plenary lectures and practical sessions A main aim of the course is to get students involved in the learning process, offering the basic tools in order to reasoning and debating the topics and readings of the subject program Students will be encouraged to compare the different ideologies and authors presented throughout the plenary lectures.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Alasdair McIntyre. After virtue. Bloomsbury. 2020
  • Alicia Miyares. Delirio y misoginia trans. Catarata. 2022
  • Antón Mellón, J. (ed.) (1998),. Ideologías y movimientos políticos contemporáneos,. Tecnos, Madrid..
  • Avineri, S. y de-Shalit, A. (eds.) (1992), Communitarism and Individualism, Oxford, Oxford University Press.. .. .. .
  • Barret, M. (1991), Women¿s Oppression Today: Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis, London, Verso.. .. .. .
  • Dobson, A. (1999), «Ecologism», en Eatwell, R. y Wright, A., Contemporary Political Ideologies, London, Routledge.. .. .. .
  • Dobson, A. y Eckersley, R. (2006), Political Theory and the Ecological Challenge,. .. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press..
  • Eatwell, R. y Wright, A. (1999), Contemporary Political Ideologies, London, Routledge.. .. .. .
  • Etzioni, A. (1993), The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsabilities and the Communitarian Agenda, Fontana Press.. .. .. .
  • Fraser, N. y Honneth, A. (2003), Redistribution or Recognition? A political-philosophical Exchange, London, Verso.. .. .. .
  • Gibbins, R. y Loleen, Y. (1996), Mindscapes, Political Ideologies Towards the 21st Century, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Canada.. .. .. .
  • Judith Butler. El género en disputa. Paidos. 2007
  • Kukathas, C. (2004), «Nationalism and Multiculturalism», en G.F. Gaus y C. Kukathas (eds.), Handbook of Political Theory, SAGE Publications.. .. .. .
  • Kymlicka, W. (2007). Multicultural Odysseys,. Oxford, Oxford University.
  • Michael Sandel. Justicia ¿Hacemos lo que debemos?. ¿DEBOLSILLO. 2012
  • Michael Sandel. Lo que el dinero no puede comprar: Los límites morales del mercado. Debolsillo. 2021
  • Michael Sandel. La tiranía del mérito. Debolsillo. 2023
  • Mouffe, C. (1992), «Feminism, Citizenship and Radical Democratic Politics», en J. Butler y J. Scott (eds.), Feminists Theorize the Political,. .. New York & London, Routledge..
  • Máiz, R. y Requejo, F. (eds.), (2005), Democracy, Nationalism and Multiculturalism, London, Frank Cass.. .. .. .
  • Nadeau, C. y D. Weinstock (dir.) (2004), Republicanism. History, Theory and Practice, London, Frank Cass.. .. .. .
  • Pateman, C. (1987), «Feminist Critiques of the Public/Private Dichotomy», en Anne Phillips (ed.), Feminism and Equality,. .. New York, Blackwell & New York University Press..
  • Richard M. Weaver. Las ideas tienen consecuencias. Buey Mudo. 2011
  • Robert Redeker. Los centinelas de la humanidad. Homo Legens. 2020
  • Sargent, L. (1996),. Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis,. New York, ITP..
  • Stéphanie Roza. La Gauche contre les lumières?. Fayard. 2020
  • Walzer, M. (1990),. «The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism»,. en Political Theory, núm. 18, vol. 1, pp. 6-23..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.