RA1. Have acquired advanced knowledge and demonstrated an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology in the field of International Studies to a depth that reaches the cutting edge of knowledge.
RA2. Be able, through self-developed and self-supported arguments or procedures, to apply their knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in complex or professional and specialised areas of work that require the use of creative and innovative ideas.
and innovative ideas
RA5.Be able to communicate knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of International Studies clearly and accurately to all types of audiences (specialised and non-specialised).
RA6.Be able to identify their own training needs in their field of study and work or professional environment and to organise their own learning with a high degree of autonomy in all types of contexts (structured or not). COMPETENCES BASIC AND GENERAL COMPETENCES
GC2 - Be able to approach and analyse the values inherent to equal opportunities, multiculturalism, political, ideological and cultural pluralism, and Human Rights in international society.
GC1 - Knowing the economic, legal, political and social reality from a comparative perspective.
GC6 - Being able to apply the scientific method to the social, political and economic questions posed by globalised society; as well as to pose a problem in this field, identifying a possible explanation or solution, and a method to contrast it by carefully interpreting the data.
GC5 - To be able to debate and formulate critical reasoning, using precise terminology and specialised resources, on international and global phenomena, using both the concepts and knowledge of the different disciplines and the methodologies of analysis, paradigms and concepts of the Social Sciences.
CB1 - That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in an area of study that starts from the basis of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study.
CB2 - Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
CB3 - Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB4 - Students are able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CB5 - That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. TRANSVERSAL SKILLS
CT1 - Ability to communicate knowledge orally and in writing to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CT2 - Ability to establish good interpersonal communication and to work in multidisciplinary and international teams.
TC3 - Ability to organise and plan their work, making the right decisions based on the information available, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgements within their area of study.
CT4 - Motivation and ability to engage in lifelong autonomous learning, enabling them to adapt to new situations. SPECIFIC
SC1 - Know the main political and sociological theories. Know how to analyse and compare the structure and functioning of the main socio-political systems.
SC2 - Knowing and understanding the processes of political, social, economic and cultural change in contemporary society and politics.
SC3 - Knowing the system of sources of Law.
SC4 - Knowing the model of public freedoms and fundamental rights in Spanish and international legal systems.
SC5 - Knowing the main models of territorial, political, economic and social organisation of states.
SC7 - Understand the main consequences and dynamics generated by inequality, and know the principles on which equality policies are based.
SC10 - Understand the differentiating elements of international problems according to the degree of development of a country.
SC11 - Knowing how to critically relate current and past events and processes.
SC12 - Knowing how to pose and solve basic problems of economic, social and political content in the international context.
SC14 - Knowing how to design and evaluate viable and sustainable political and socio-economic programmes aimed at social improvement.
SC16 - Knowing how to carry out case studies and apply the comparative method to analyse institutions, processes and policies in different countries.
.-Knowing and understanding the role of law, ethics and deontology in regulating different societies and phenomena such as corruption.
.-Knowing and understanding the legal approach to conflict resolution.
.- Approaching a comparative approach to the different legal systems and legal tools when dealing with the phenomenon of corruption.
.-Knowing how to critically analyse positive law and legal institutions in different contexts and be able to make lege ferenda proposals.
.-Knowing how to argue for and against controversial issues.
Students taking this subject also acquire the following competences:
CO4 Ability to write, understand and interpret legal texts.
CO5 Ability to select, analyse and synthesise legal information, as well as to argue legally.
CO6 Understanding the importance of Law as a regulatory system for social relations at both national and international level.
CO7 Ability to use constitutional principles and values as a working tool in the interpretation of the legal system.
CO8 Ability to understand the basic principles of politics and international relations.
CO12 Understanding of the importance of geographical location in international conflicts and tensions.
.- Knowledge of legal institutions to regulate corruption. Analysis of ethical and deontological approaches to corruption.
.- Applied knowledge to understand institutional designs for good governance, with a focus on accountability, transparency and the division of powers.
.- Knowledge of a comparative approach to the treatment of the fight against corruption in different countries and frameworks - European, international.