Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Public Management and Public Administration
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Political Science (Plan: 506 - Estudio: 320)

Coordinating teacher: NATERA PERAL, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


- Handle accurately the concepts relating to the structures and administrative actors. - Know strategies and instruments for improvement and innovation in public management. - Understand basic elements that make up public organizations design and structuration. - Understand power, conflict and political management in administrative settings. - Perceive organizational culture and public values role on the behavior of political-administrative actors. - Notice transition from a bureaucratic model to a managerial one, and from the latter to the governance model in contemporary changes in policy and public management - Know the Spanish administrative system by contrasting it with other public sector models and comparative administrative systems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Public Administration in the political system 2. Models of public management 3. Strategies and instruments for improvement and innovation in public management 4. Elements of design and structuring of public organizations 5. Power, conflict, and political management in administrative scenarios 6. Administrative culture and change management. 7. Public administration in a comparative perspective. Prospects.
Learning activities and methodology
Text analysis, case studies, individual or in-group research papers and/or oral presentations, short essays, in-class debates, etc. Tutorial sessions: individual on the established schedule.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • BOVAIRD, T.; LÖFFLER, E., eds. (2015), Public Management and Governance, London, Routledge. 3rd. edition.. .. .. .
  • CONTEH, C.; GREITENS, T.J.; JESUIT, D.K.; ROBERGE, I. (2018), Governance and Public Management. Strategic Foundations for Volatile Times, Routledge. .. .. .
  • KUHLMANN, S.; WOLLMANN, H. (2019), Introduction to Comparative Public Administration. Administrative Systems and Reforms in Europe. Elgar Publishing. .. .. .
  • POLLIT, C.; BOUCKAERT, G. (2017), Public Management Reform A Comparative Analysis. Oxford Univ. Press, 4th edition. .. .. .
  • RAINEY, H.G.; FERNÁNDEZ, S.; MALATESTA, D. (2021),. Understanding and Managing Public Organizations,. Jossey Bass, sixth edition.. .
  • SHAFRITZ, J. M.; RUSSELL, E.W.; BORICK, C.P.; HYDE, A.C. (2016), Introducing Public Administration. Routledge, 9th Edition. .. .. .
Additional Bibliography
  • CHRISTENSEN, T.; LAGREID, P.; RONESS, P.; ROVIK, K. (2007), Organizational Theory and the Public Sector. Routledge. .. .. .
  • HUGHES, O.E. (2003), Public Management and Administration. Palgrave-Macmillan. .. .. .
  • JOYCE, P. (2015), Strategic Management in the Public Sector. Routledge. .. .. .
  • KLIJN, E.; KOPPENJAN, J. (2015), Governance Networks in the Public Sector. Routledge. .. .. .
  • PERRY, J.L. (1996), Handbook of Public Administration. Jossey-Bass. .. .. .
  • PETERS, B.G. (2003), Handbook of Public Administration. Sage. .. .. .
  • POLLIT, C. (2016), Advanced Introduction to Public Management and Administration. Elgar Publishing. .. .. .
  • VAN DE WALLE, S.; GROENEVELD, S. (2018), Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform. Routledge. .. .. .

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.