Checking date: 25/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

New Technologies and the International Order
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Business Administration (Plan: 505 - Estudio: 319)

Coordinating teacher: PORTOS GARCÍA, MARTÍN

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


In this course, students will acquire the following general skills: - to analyze critically - to work in teams - to think globally In this course, students will acquire the following specific skills: - to analyze new technologies and their importance for world order and global dynamics - to identify problems related to new technologies; assess projects and programs that use them - to propose public policies to regulate the use of new technologies and their role in the international sphere
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents of this course are approached from three different perspectives: A first approach to the historical, political, economic, social, and legal context, making an initial reflection on the change or effect that these technologies are presenting in the framework of governance, geopolitics, the new global order and the reaction of democracies to the new challenges they pose. A second approach will be based on the attitudes that the different political and social actors involved (governments, political parties, social movements, citizens, markets) have towards these new technologies, their risks and the rhetoric employed. A final approach will address the challenges and new methodologies that, thanks to the existence of these new technologies, have appeared in the evolution and new applications of computational sciences in the data science market and in the study of the Social Sciences.
Learning activities and methodology
THEORETICAL PRACTICAL CLASSES Knowledge and concepts students must acquire. Student receive course notes and will have basic reference texts to facilitatefollowing the classes and carrying out follow up work.Students partake in exercises to resolve practical problems and participatein workshops and an evaluation tests, all geared towards acquiring the necessary capabilities.Subjects with 6 ECTS are44 hours as a general rule/ 100% classroom instruction. TUTORING SESSIONS Individualized attendance (individual tutoring) or in-group (group tutoring) for students with a teacher. Subjects with 6 credits have 4 hours of tutoring/ 100% on- site attendance. STUDENT INDIVIDUAL WORK OR GROUP WORK Subjects with 6 credits have 98 hours/0% on-site.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Bonini & Treré. Algorithms of Resistance The Everyday Fight against Platform Power. MIT Press. 2024
  • Castells. The Rise of the Network Society. Wiley. 2010
  • Felt, Fouché, Miller, Smith-Doerr. The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies,. MIT Press. 2016
  • Giacomello, Moro, Valigi. Technology and International Relations The New Frontier in Global Power. Edward Elgar Pub.. 2021
  • Hilpert. Routledge Handbook of Politics and Technology. Routledge. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.