Checking date: 26/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Markets Research
Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Business Administration (2018 Study Plan) (Plan: 409 - Estudio: 319)

Coordinating teacher: BARROSO LUDEÑA, ALICIA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Marketing Statistics I Statistics II
Learning objectives: - To become skilled at basic concepts and methodologies needed to perform a marketing research study (problem proposition, sampling, collecting and analysing data, reporting findings); - To comprehend firms' problems in order to design proper marketing research studies; - To apply marketing research processes to real market situations, which are relevant to the firm; - To analyze outcomes of marketing research studies in order to suggest the most appropriate strategic orientation and operational actions. Skills objectives: - To become familiar with a wide range of marketing research methodologies; - To prepare reports and communicate results to an audience of company executives; - To make use of one of the mostly diffused software's programs for marketing research; - To participate in working groups, whose aim is to stimulate creativity and accuracy. Attitudinal objectives: - Curiosity towards marketing and its challenges; - Criticism and creativity to solve managerial problems; - Interest in applying a portfolio of diversified tools needed to draw reliable conclusions; - Ethics, according to the international code and guidelines on market and social research defined by ICC/ESOMAR.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Topic 1. Introduction to Marketing Research 1.1. The process of Marketing Research 1.2. Classification of Marketing Research Studies 1.3. Problem definition 1.4. Preparing a marketing research report Topic 2. Exploratory, descriptive and causal research techniques 2.1. Exploratory designs: In-depth interviews, Focus groups and observation 2.2. Descriptive designs: Surveys and panels 2.3. Explicative designs: Experiments and conjoint analysis techniques Topic 3. Fieldwork and data preparation 3.1. The nature of fieldwork 3.2. Data coding 3.3. Computerized databases Topic 4. Univariate hypotheses testing 4.1. Frequency 4.2. Tendency 4.3. Dispersion Topic 5. Bivariate hypotheses testing 5.1. Testing for significant differences 5.2. Testing for association Topic 6. Multivariate preferences analysis with SPSS 6.1. Multiple regression analysis 6.2. Analysis of variance and covariance (ANOVA, MANOVA, etc.) Topic 7. Multivariate positioning analysis with SPSS 7.1. Principal components analysis 7.2. Perceptual maps Topic 8. Multivariate segmentation analysis 8.1. Cluster analysis 8.2. Discriminant analysis
Learning activities and methodology
During the course, students will participate to both theory lectures and practice sessions (based on case study discussions, problem sets solving and the use of SPSS software packages), whose aim is that of transferring conceptual and methodological knowledge. In order to improve their personal capabilities, students will individual assignments and participate in a teamwork experience in which all steps of a marketing research study are performed.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 35
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 65

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • HAIR, J.F.; BUSH, R.P.; ORTINAU, D.J.. Marketing Research: within a changing information environment. McGraw-Hill/ Irwin. 2003
  • MALHOTRA, N.. Marketing Research: An applied Orientation. Prentice Hall. 5ª Ed. 2006
Additional Bibliography
  • DILLON, W. R.; MADDEN, T. J.; FIRTLE, N.. Marketing Research Within a Changing Envioronment. McGraw Hill. 2004..
  • PEÑA, D.. "Análisis de Datos Multivariantes". McGraw Hill. 2002.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.