Checking date: 08/05/2018

Course: 2018/2019

Human Rights
Bachelor in International Studies (2018 Study Plan) (Plan: 408 - Estudio: 305)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Law Methodology and Culture International Public Law International Organizations Security, Peace and Conflicts Resolution
BASIC AND GENERAL CG1 Understanding social, political, legal and economic realities from a comparative perspective. CG2 Being able to approximate and analyze the intrinsic values contained in equal opportunities, multi-cultural society, political ideological and cultural pluralism, and human rights, in the international community. CG5 Being able to debate and formulate critical reasoning, using precise terminology and specialized resources, when analyzing international and global phenomena, employing both the concepts and knowledge from different disciplines as well as the methods of analysis, paradigms and concepts pertaining to the Social Sciences. CG7 Knowing how to express judgments, which include ethical reflections, on essential social, scientific and economic topics within a representative context of society both on a local and international level. CB1 Being able to show that they possess and comprehend facts and contents in an area of study which, based on a previous general secondary school level, have been extended to those included in advanced textbooks and in some aspects proceed from the most advanced studies in this area. CB2 Being able to show that they have learned how to apply their knowledge professionally to their future jobs or tasks and that they possess the competences needed to develop and defend arguments and solve problems in that area of study. CB3 Being able to show that they are capable of collecting and interpreting the relevant data (normally within their area of study) needed for formulating judgments which require critical thought on social, scientific and ethical topics of relevance. CB4 Being able to show that they are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialized and non-specialized publics. CB5 Being able to show that they have developed the learning skills required to perform further studies with a high degree of self-dependence. TRANSVERSAL CT1 Capacity to communicate knowledge in oral and written form, both to specialized and to non-specialized publics. CT2 Capacity to establish good interpersonal communication and to work both in interdisciplinary and international teams. CT3 Capacity to organize and plan workloads, taking correct decisions based on the available information, collecting and interpreting relevant data in order to provide assessments in that area of study. CT4 Developing the motivation and capacity to perform independent continuous learning for life, with an endowment to adapt to change and new situations. SPECIFIC CE3 Being familiar with the system of origins of Law. CE4 Being familiar with public freedoms and fundamental rights in both Spanish and international legal codices. CE7 Understanding the main dynamics which generate inequality and its consequences, and comprehend the principles on which equal opportunity policies are based. LEARNING OUTCOMES · Understanding of the main critical theories of Human Rights. · Taking conscience of the role of Human Rights in democratic societies. · Ability to detect the principal problems of guaranteeing Human Rights in different cultural contexts. · Ability to adopt a position regarding the concept of Human Rights and their function in the constitutional order. · Ability to solve legal problems from the perspective of Human Rights. · Essential knowledge about the issues of justice of law, the legitimacy of power and rights-based theories.
Description of contents: programme
I. Conceptual Approach II. Historical Approach III. Human Dignity IV. International Protection of the Human Rights V. Self Determination VI Democratization VII. Civil and Political Rights VIII. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights IX. Minorities X. Women XI. Persons with disabilities XII. Children XIII. Migrants XIV. Violence and Torture and Inhuman Treatment. Genocide and the International Criminal Law
Learning activities and methodology
1. Theory Classes We will study a different topic every week. The theory classes will be a lecture on the topic on the basis of a material available in Aula Global. Each lecture will include a power point presentation, uploaded to Aula Global after the class. 2. Practice Sessions Cases presentations and text commentaries will allow a deeper understanding of the main issues of the course. Materials will be available on 'Aula Global'
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • ASÍS, R. and ANSUÁTEGUI, F.J. (eds.), . Essays on Human Rights. Thomsom . 2015
  • FREEMAN, M.. Human Rights. Polity. 3rd edition 2017
  • GÓMEZ ISA, F., and DE FEITER, K. (eds.),. International Protection of Human Rights: Achievements and Challenges. University of Deusto. 2006, available at
  • ISHAY, M.R.,. The History of Human Rights form Ancient Times to Globalization Era. University of California Press. 2004
  • WALDRON, J. (ed), . Theories of Rights. Oxford University Press. 1984

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.