Checking date: 28/01/2024

Course: 2023/2024

Electromagnetic compatible design
Master in Electronic Systems Engineering (Plan: 327 - Estudio: 304)

Coordinating teacher: BARRADO BAUTISTA, ANDRES

Department assigned to the subject: Electronic Technology Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
An introductory course on Digital, Analog and Power Electronics
COMPETENCES (CG2, CE3, CE8, CE10, CG1, CE11, CG4) Capacity to design and test an electronic system on a specific application. Capacity to handle advanced techniques for system electronic design. Capacity to resolve real problems of interferences to get electromagnetic compatibility on equipment and systems. Capacity to apply techniques for the development of electronic circuits and devices, like PCB and EMI filter design. Capacity to make clear documentation explaining the development, design and application of complex electronic systems. Capacity to make data searching related to the technology state of the art. To be able to work in a collaborative group. LEARNING RESULTS The student learns basic concepts about EMI, EMC, conducted and radiated emissions, coupling types, surges etc. The student learns to resolve real problems related to the electromagnetic interaction between electronic equipment and systems, and how to apply the standards to these cases. The course allows acquiring design techniques that complement others needed to reach its functionality. There are specific techniques to reduce electromagnetic EMI noise on PCB, cables, cardcages and boxes. Also, how to protect from conducted and radiated internal/external surges, including power supply network, electrostatic discharges, lightning transitory etc.. These techniques apply to any type of electric/electronic devices, and to applications based on microprocessors, FPGA, analog or power electronics. It also can be used for system design of vehicles, aircrafts, military equipment, distribution and power systems, robots, etc..
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Part 1: Introduction EMI & EMC: Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility - Relevance of interferences for EMC - The problem of equipment non-compliance - EMC Integrated Design Process - References and Links Types of Interferences and Couplings - Conducted and Radiated emissions - EM fields: Near and Far field - Frequency spectrum of emissions - Capacitive Coupling - Inductive Coupling - Common impedance Coupling - Common & Diferential Modes Part 2: Design Criteria - System Partitioning - PCB Layout - Power bus distribution - Decoupling - Protections - Filters - Overvoltage limiters: Transzorb, Varistors, Dischargers, etc. - Mixed signal board design example - PCB design for High Speed. - High Speed in a PCB - Transmission lines on PCBs - Impedance mismatch - Differential signal transmission Part 3: Standards - Directives and Standards: CE mark - Standards EU, FCC, MIL, RTCA. Part 4: EMC Laboratory Measures EMC Laboratory - Main items Measure of radiated EMI - PC main board Measure of conducted EMI - Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Other tests - Surface Transfer Impedance STI of shielded cables - EMI Susceptibility - Shielding Effectiveness of boxes & shelters
Learning activities and methodology
Theory sessions Practice sessions Theoretical-practical sessions Individual guided sessions Grouped guided sessions METHODOLOGY The teacher explains in sessions with presentations based on slides. Some real problems are presented to the students. These problems are exposed and discussed in the sessions. There is also a final work that each student group must elaborate at the end of the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Alain Charoy. Parásitos y perturbaciones en electrónica. Ed. Paraninfo. 1996
  • Clayton R. Paul. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. second ed. Wiley InterScience. 2006
  • Henry W. Ott. Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering. John Wyley & Sons. 2009
  • Tim Williams. EMC for product designers. 3rd. ed. Elsevier. 2001
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.