Checking date: 26/07/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Regime of private services in the Information Society
Master in Telecommunications Law and Information Technology (Plan: 314 - Estudio: 299)

Coordinating teacher: VIDA FERNANDEZ, JOSE

Department assigned to the subject: Pascual Madoz Institute of Land, Urbanism and Environment

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Skills and learning outcomes
Learning activities and methodology
The mission of the evaluation is to know the degree of fulfillment of the programmed objectives. In this sense, it is necessary to indicate that the Master in Telecommunications Law, Data Protection, Audiovisual and the Information Society is a program that is taught in person, since the attendance of the student is considered essential to access and understand the knowledge and experiences transmitted by the different professors participating in the master who have an important professional and academic career in the subject developed. From this consideration, it is necessary to highlight that the final grade of the students that seeks to value the knowledge acquired through the subject evaluation system that combines the following activities and percentages: (i) Final Exam (50%). There will be an individual knowledge test, related to the main concepts developed during the sessions, with questions developed by the different teachers who have taught the sessions. (ii) Carrying out individual activities or work during the course (50%): Various activities will be weighted, such as solving practical cases; search for different documentation indicated in advance and worked on; exposition and defense of the worked materials; reading of bibliography and summary of his exposition. Students are required to attend all the theoretical and practical classes that have been scheduled. Only a maximum of 15 percent of the classroom hours (not of the sessions or days) in each subject may be absent without just cause. In case of excused absences, the total maximum will be 25 percent. If the student incurred a lack of attendance higher than those indicated, they will be scored with a "0" in the continuous evaluation. Likewise, absences below these percentages may be taken into account when modulating the continuous assessment grade downwards, especially if it includes a participation note. Activities not carried out during the continuous evaluation will be rated with a 0. The final grade obtained may be adjusted by the teacher (up to a maximum of one point) depending on participation and class interventions. Each teacher may require a minimum grade in the final exam in their group to carry out the global evaluation, provided that it is expressly indicated at the beginning of the term, through Aula Global or any other means. The evaluation in the extraordinary call, if the student followed continuous evaluation, he will have the right to be taken into account the grade of the same (whenever it benefits him), and if he did not follow it, he will have the right to take a final exam with a value of 70 % of the total grade of the subject. Students who do not take the final exam, either in the ordinary or extraordinary call, will appear as not presented. In the event that extraordinary measures are adopted that require distance teaching, the evaluation system will be maintained in the same terms, although the teacher may adapt the activities of the continuous evaluation initially scheduled. In this situation, the teacher will determine the conditions for taking the final exam at a distance, which, as far as possible, will remain the same as originally planned.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Aurelio López Tarruella Martínez; Carmen María García Mirete . Derecho de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Tirant lo Blanch. 2016
  • Miguel Angel Davara Rodríguez. Manual de Derecho Informático. Aranzadi. 2016
  • Susana Navas Navarro; Sandra Camacho Clavijo . Mercado Digital Principios y Reglas Jurídicas. Tirant lo Blanch. 2016
  • VVAA. Memento de Derecho de las Nuevas Tecnologías (Écija). Lefevbre. 2022
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.