Checking date: 21/10/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Fundamentals of the legal status of services of the information society
Master in Telecommunications Law and Information Technology (Plan: 314 - Estudio: 299)

Coordinating teacher: VIDA FERNANDEZ, JOSE

Department assigned to the subject: Pascual Madoz Institute of Land, Urbanism and Environment

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


SKILLS -Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context. That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study. -Students should be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments. That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner. That students possess the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a manner that will be largely self-directed or autonomous. -Recognize the growing importance of teamwork and demonstrate the ability to adapt and integrate into different work groups, maintaining fluid relationships and communications, respecting ideas and solutions provided by others with an attitude of cooperation and tolerance, sharing responsibilities and giving and receiving instructions. -To develop constant self-learning and continuous training as instruments that facilitate adaptation to legal, technological and organizational innovations. -To choose the professional itineraries that best adapt to the technological and legal context according to personal circumstances, assuming self-employment as a feasible possibility of professional insertion. -To seek, organize and plan professional projects that allow personal or corporate growth where they exercise their activity. To value rigorous and well-done work, when planning, organizing and developing one's own activities, showing initiative, creativity and sense of responsibility, maintaining interest throughout the process, and feeling personal satisfaction for the results achieved. -Recognize the importance of communicating effectively within the framework of the professional activity for the achievement of personal and corporate objectives. -Evaluate the development of personal and collective performance, identifying successes and mistakes and arguing and proposing alternative solutions to improve processes and results. -Demonstrate a high sense of personal responsibility and correct deontological behavior. -Apply the knowledge acquired to solve problems. -Integrate knowledge, make judgments and communicate their conclusions, and the ultimate knowledge and reasons behind them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences. -Integrate specialized knowledge to address industry problems from a holistic perspective. -Acquire training to be a professional and apply the knowledge acquired in the different sectors acting in solidarity and providing practical solutions. -To possess, understand and develop skills that make it possible to apply the specialized academic knowledge acquired in the master's degree to the changing reality. -To know how to develop interpersonal skills and abilities that facilitate the exercise of the activity in their relations with citizens, other professionals and institutions. -To know how to present facts orally and in writing, and to draw legal consequences in an argumentative way, taking into account the context and the addressee to whom they are addressed. -To acquire a global vision of telecommunications law, in particular to identify the subjects and their obligations, the impact they have on competition and improvement of society, as well as to analyze and interpret the different legal opinions.
Skills and learning outcomes
Learning activities and methodology
SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN La evaluación tiene como misión conocer el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos programados. En este sentido, es preciso indicar que el Máster en Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones, Protección de Datos, Audiovisual y Sociedad de la Información es un programa que se imparte con carácter presencial, pues se considera fundamental la asistencia del estudiante para acceder y comprender los conocimientos y experiencias trasmitidos por los distintos profesores que participan en el máster que cuentan con una trayectoria profesional y académica importante en la materia desarrollada. A partir de esta consideración, es preciso destacar que la calificación final de las/los estudiantes que persigue valorar los conocimientos adquiridos a través del sistema de evaluación de la asignatura que combina las siguientes actividades y porcentajes: (i) Examen Final (50%). Se realizará una prueba tipo test de conocimientos, de carácter individual, relativo a los principales conceptos desarrollados durante las sesiones, con preguntas elaboradas por los distintos profesores que han impartido las sesiones. (ii) Realización de actividades o trabajos, individuales durante el desarrollo de la asignatura (50%): Se ponderarán diversas actividades como la resolución de casos prácticos; búsqueda de distinta documentación señalada con antelación y trabajada; exposición y defensa de los materiales trabajados; lectura de bibliografía y resumen de su exposición. Las/los estudiantes están obligados a asistir a la totalidad de las clases teóricas y prácticas que se hayan programado. Solamente podrán ausentarse, sin motivo justificado, a un máximo del 15 por ciento de las horas presenciales de clase (no de las sesiones ni los días) en cada asignatura. En caso de ausencias justificadas, el máximo total será del 25 por ciento. Si el estudiante incurriera en una falta de asistencia superior a las indicadas, se le calificará con un "0" en la evaluación continua. Igualmente, las ausencias inferiores a dichos porcentajes podrán ser tenidas en cuenta a la hora de modular a la baja la calificación de la evaluación continua, especialmente si incluye una nota de participación Las actividades no realizadas durante la evaluación continua se calificarán con un 0. La calificación final que se obtenga podrá ser ajustada por el profesor (hasta el máximo de un punto) en función de la participación y las intervenciones en clase. Cada profesor podrá exigir en su grupo una nota mínima en el examen final para realizar la evaluación global, siempre que lo indique expresamente al principio del cuatrimestre, a través de Aula Global o cualquier otro medio. Evaluación en la convocatoria extraordinaria, si el estudiante siguió evaluación continua tendrá derecho a que se le tenga en cuenta la calificación de la misma (siempre que le beneficie), y si no la siguió tendrá derecho a realizar un examen final con valor del 70 % de la calificación total de la asignatura. Los alumnos que no realicen el examen final, sea en la convocatoria ordinaria o extraordinaria, figurarán como no presentados. En caso de que se adopten medidas extraordinarias que exijan una docencia a distancia, el sistema de evaluación se mantendrá en los mismos términos, si bien el profesor podrá adaptar las actividades de la evaluación continua inicialmente programadas. En dicha situación el profesor determinará las condiciones de realización del examen final a distancia que, en la medida de lo posible, seguirá siendo el mismo inicialmente previsto. The mission of the evaluation is to know the degree of fulfillment of the programmed objectives. In this sense, it is necessary to indicate that the Master in Telecommunications Law, Data Protection, Audiovisual and the Information Society is a program that is taught in person, since the attendance of the student is considered essential to access and understand the knowledge and experiences transmitted by the different professors participating in the master who have an important professional and academic career in the subject developed. From this consideration, it is necessary to highlight that the final grade of the students that seeks to value the knowledge acquired through the subject evaluation system that combines the following activities and percentages: (i) Final Exam (50%). There will be an individual knowledge test, related to the main concepts developed during the sessions, with questions developed by the different teachers who have taught the sessions. (ii) Carrying out individual activities or work during the course (50%): Various activities will be weighted, such as solving practical cases; search for different documentation indicated in advance and worked on; exposition and defense of the worked materials; reading of bibliography and summary of his exposition. Students are required to attend all the theoretical and practical classes that have been scheduled. Only a maximum of 15 percent of the classroom hours (not of the sessions or days) in each subject may be absent without just cause. In case of excused absences, the total maximum will be 25 percent. If the student incurred a lack of attendance higher than those indicated, they will be scored with a "0" in the continuous evaluation. Likewise, absences below these percentages may be taken into account when modulating the continuous assessment grade downwards, especially if it includes a participation note. Activities not carried out during the continuous evaluation will be rated with a 0. The final grade obtained may be adjusted by the teacher (up to a maximum of one point) depending on participation and class interventions. Each teacher may require a minimum grade in the final exam in their group to carry out the global evaluation, provided that it is expressly indicated at the beginning of the term, through Aula Global or any other means. The evaluation in the extraordinary call, if the student followed continuous evaluation, he will have the right to be taken into account the grade of the same (whenever it benefits him), and if he did not follow it, he will have the right to take a final exam with a value of 70 % of the total grade of the subject. Students who do not take the final exam, either in the ordinary or extraordinary call, will appear as not presented. In the event that extraordinary measures are adopted that require distance teaching, the evaluation system will be maintained in the same terms, although the teacher may adapt the activities of the continuous evaluation initially scheduled. In this situation, the teacher will determine the conditions for taking the final exam at a distance, which, as far as possible, will remain the same as originally planned.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Juan Carlos Hernández Peña; Eduardo Valpuesta Gastaminza . Tratado de Derecho Digital. La Ley. 2021
  • Moisés Barrio Andrés. Manual de Derecho digital. Tirant lo Blanch. 2022
  • VVAA. Memento Derecho Nuevas Tecnologías. Lefevbre. 2024
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.