Checking date: 24/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Analysis of the regime of some types of data and information security
Master in Telecommunications Law and Information Technology (Plan: 314 - Estudio: 299)

Coordinating teacher: SERNA BILBAO, MARIA NIEVES DE LA

Department assigned to the subject: Pascual Madoz Institute of Land, Urbanism and Environment

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Those required by the master program
The development of this subject will allow the student to acquire the following competences and learning outcomes: -To integrate knowledge, to make judgments and to communicate their conclusions, and the last knowledge and reasons that support them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences. -Integrate the specialized knowledge to face the problems of the sector from an integral perspective - Knowing to develop interpersonal skills and abilities that facilitate the exercise of the activity in its relations with the citizens, with other professionals and with the institutions -To know how to present oral and written facts, and to extract juridical consequences, in terms of the context and the target audience to which they are directed To possess, to understand and to develop abilities that allow to apply the specialized academic knowledge acquired in the master to the changing reality -To be able to identify the regulations applicable to each sector of data protection and to solve the problems raised Be able to develop with some autonomy, negotiation in conflicts in the matter -Plan, participate and elaborate, at your level, documents that allow you to respond to the information requirements made by the different national and regional Data Protection Agencies -Develop reports, opinions, formalities and administrative claims or lawsuits to develop professional activity in law firms, companies or bodies, public or private in the field of data protection - Analyze, plan, evaluate and control the application of data protection regulations as well as the search for existing doctrine - Plan and develop, at its level, information and training plans for workers, which will enable the adoption of control measures and corrective measures to avoid or reduce non-compliance with regulations
Description of contents: programme
III. Analysis of the regime of some types of data and information security (3 ECTS) 1. The regulation of some types of files. 2. Public safety and information 3 Case studies 4 Evaluation
Learning activities and methodology
FORMATION ACTIVITIES Theoretical-practical classes. Search for training materials, such as jurisprudence, resolutions, etc. and comprehension and exposition works Individual or group work of the student, presentation, defense, etc. It is important that students participate actively in the sessions. Being a master in person, attendance at the classes will be essential to qualify the student. The attendance determined in the regulation of the Master and in GLOBAL AULA must be met to be evaluated. . TEACHING METHODOLOGIES The methodology that will be followed in this subject will be the following: Exhibitions in class of the different professors with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. Critical reading of texts recommended by the professor of the subject: Press articles, reports, resolutions, manuals and / or academic articles, either for further discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. raised by the teacher individually or in groups Exhibition and discussion in class, under the teacher's moderation, of topics related to the content of the subject, such as jurisprudence, legislation, resolutions, etc. Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups, with information search by the student TUTORIALS: Students will have access to tutorials with the person responsible for the coordination of the subject. The purpose of tutoring is to organize the teaching and learning processes based on the interaction between the student and the teacher with the purpose of: (i) Direct the students' autonomous and group work (ii) Deepen in different aspects of the subject (iii) Guide the academic and integral formation of the student. The tutorials will be held at the time and under the conditions determined by the teacher in Aula Global. If new extraordinary measures are adopted that require distance teaching, it will continue to be taught under the same conditions initially foreseen (with the same programming, methodology, activities, etc.), although all practical sessions will be taught online .
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • AGENCIA PROTECCION DE DATOS COMUNIDAD DE MADRID. Proteccion de datos personales para administraciones locales .. CIVITAS. 2008
  • Arzoz Santisteban, Xabier,. Videovigilancia, seguridad ciudadana y Derechos Fundamentales. CIVITAS. 2010
  • Carlos Rodríguez Amunategui . La responsabilidad civil derivada del Bullying y otros delitos¿ . Laberinto Jurídico. 2007
  • Colás Escandón, Ana Mª. Acoso y ciberacoso escolar; la doble responsabilidad civil y penal . Editorial Bosch, S.A. 2015. 2015
  • Dirs. Ana Garriga Domínguez, Susana Álvarez González. Historia clínica y protección de datos personales; especial referencia al resgistro obligatorio de los portadores del VIH. Dykinson, S.L.. 2011
  • Feria Basilio, Iluminada del Rocío. La tutela del patrimonio genético del trabajador. Editorial Bomarzo, S.L.. 2013
  • JAVIER PUYOL. Aproximación Jurídica y Económica al Big Data. TIRANT LO BLANCH. 2015
  • José Antonio Molina del Peral y Pilar Vecina Navarro. Bullying, ciberbullying y sexting. PIRÁMIDE. 2015
  • José Roberto López Reyes. El bullying y sus implicaciones jurídicas . EDIT. Académica Española. 2010
  • NICOLAS JIMENEZ PILAR. La protección jurídica de los datos genéticos de carácter personal . COMMANES. 2006
  • Puyol Montero, Javier. El funcionamiento práctico del canal de compliance "Whistleblowing". Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. 2017
  • Pérez Marqués, María. Big Data técnicas, herramientas y aplicaciones. RC Libros. 2015
  • ROMEO CASABONA CARLOS. Bases de datos de perfiles ADN y criminalidad . COMANES. 2006
  • ROSARIO ORTEGA. Agresividad injustificada, " bullying " y violencia escolar . (Alianza Ensayo) . 2010
  • Robin Kowalski, Susan Limber y Patricia Agatston. Cyber bullying el acoso escolar en la era digital. DESCLEE DE BROWER. 2010
  • Rodríguez López, Pedro. Acoso escolar desde el mal llamado bullying hasta el acoso al profesorado: (especial análisis de la reparación del daño) . Atelier. 2006
  • SCHMARZO, Bill. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, D.L. 2014. Anaya Multimedia, D.L. 2014. D.L. 2014
  • Schmarzo, Bill . Big data el poder de los datos. Ediciones Anaya Multimedia. 2014
  • VVAA. Comentario a la Ley orgánica de protección de datos de carácter personal . CIVITAS. 2010
  • VVAA. Protección de datos Comentarios al Reglamento de Desarrollo de la LOPD. TIRANT . 2008
  • VVAA. Derecho y redes sociales . CIVITAS. 2010
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, J.. Ciberacoso: La Tutela Penal de la Intimidad, la Integridad y la Libertad Sexual en Internet. Tirant lo Blanch.. 2010
  • M.N. de la Serna Bilbao, . ¿Las tecnologías de la información; derecho a la privacidad, tratamiento de datos y tercera edad¿,. Revista de Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol 1, núm. 8,(2011); Ancianidad, Derechos Humanos y calidad de vida: ISSN 2079-5971. 2011
  • M.Nieves de la Serna y Fernando Fonseca Ferrandis. Historia Clínica: acceso, Homenaje a Tomás de la Quadra Salcedo,. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2017
  • R. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ, (Coord.), . DERECHO Y CLOUD COMPUTING, . civitas. 2012
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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