Checking date: 29/10/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Plan: 415 - Estudio: 283)

Coordinating teacher: DIAZ GANDASEGUI, VICENTE

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The External Practices subject requires to have passed a minimum of 110 credits. Some institutions may create difficulties in terms of timetable compatibility, with the implicit risk of delaying the completion of the degree studies (a risk that the student assumes when enrolling). WARNING - Due to the nature of this subject, depending on each position offered by the different entities, the timetable for internships may not fit in with the previously established teaching period.
The student will acquire/put into practice: - Ability to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout the courses in a real context. - Capacity for analysis and synthesis, time and information management, organisation and planning. - Skills related to initiative and creativity, adaptation to new situations, negotiation skills, setting priorities, networking and teamwork and autonomy to work without supervision. - Knowledge and skills to assume, propose and develop certain aspects of applied research. - Knowledge of the functioning of organizations and learning of behaviour models in professional environments - Acquire real work experience that facilitates subsequent access to the world of work - Ability to evaluate the first experience of immersion in the working environment: self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses
Description of contents: programme
The aim of the subject is for students to develop a real professional practice experience in companies, institutions and organisations that carry out activities aimed at providing a practical complement to academic training, provided that these activities are related to the contents of the degree and their professional opportunities. It is therefore conceived as a bridge between the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired and the reality of the world of work.
Learning activities and methodology
The course will run as follows: 1. Students look for their own internships (either through the Employment Service's Job Bank or through their own contacts). 2. Once accepted, an educational cooperation agreement between the University Carlos III and the entity is set up if it does not already exist. 3. An annex to the agreement is processed which allows the incorporation of the student to carry out an internship for a minimum of 140 hours in the entity. 4. The student will have a tutor at the entity or company in order to direct, guide and supervise his/her activity during the period. 5. The student writes a report on the placement for its evaluation and ensures that the tutor at the entity sends his/her own evaluation report directly to the academic tutor. During his/her stay at the entity, the student may consult with the academic tutor about any doubts or problems. Detailed information on the procedure can be found in the Aula Global Virtual Secretary's board
Assessment System
The mark will be based on: - 30%: Student's report in which the most significant aspects of the experience in terms of activities, tasks, learning and management will be detailed and evaluated. The mark will take into account the level of contribution of the aforementioned aspects, as well as the writing and presentation of the report and the analytical capacity of the student. - 70%: Report of the company on their perception about student's work.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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