Syllabus Health Economics 2014-2015
1) Introduction: Why is Health Economics Important? [Stiglitz, chp 12.]
2) The Health Production Function [Phelps chp. 3] and the Grossman Model [FGS chp. 5, McGuire chp. 7)
3) Evaluation Methods [Zweifel chp2.]
4) Health Systems:
4.1. General Features - [J. Hurst]
4.2. General Characteristics of the Health Care Markets [Arrow (1963) ]
4.3. Ethics, Efficacy, Effectiveness and Efficiency [FGS chp. 1, 4; Zweifel chp 1, 4, Ortún chp1; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3]
4.4. Equity [Rodríguez, Calonge and Reñe (1988) , Rodríguez and Calonge (1998)]
4.5. Regulation of Pharmacies: [García Fontes and Massimo Motta]
5) Health Insurance
5.1. Demand for Health Insurance [Phelps, chp 10; FGS pp 185-187]
5.2. Moral Hazard and Copayments [FGS pp 270-275; McGuire pp 189-193; Murillo 1992]
5.3 Adverse Selection: the Rothschild and Stiglitz Model [FGS 151-162 and 289-292; Stiglitz (1993) - Ariel Economía pp 175-180; Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)- not a mandatory reading]
6) Topic to be announced