Checking date: 07/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Social policy and welfare state
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Specific subjects are not required.
1) Ability to manage relevant information. 2) Critical thinking. 3) Ethical commitment. 4) Organizational and planning capacities. 5) Work in an interdisciplinary team. 6) Ability to identify, locate and contact the target population for social integration. 7) Ability to identify and measure factors of social vulnerability and conflicting processes. 8) Ability to contribute to the design of public policies to address social problems.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
SUBJECT 1: INTRODUCTION: CONCEPTUALIZATION ON SOCIAL POLICY AND WELFARE What is Social Policy?: Objectives, criteria, achievements and limitations. Addressing concepts related to Social Policy and Welfare. SUBJECT 2: PRECEDENTS AND HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE WELFARE STATE Inception and historical development of the Welfare State: concepts, approaches, stages and models. Changes in social structure: threats and challenges for the Welfare State. SUBJECT 3: SOCIAL POLICY IN SPAIN Evolution and Development of Social Policy and Welfare State in Spain. Old and new policies. Sectorial and transversal policies: scopes and limitations. Social policies in recent decades. Territorial decentralization of social policies. Actors involved in public policy. SUBJECT 4: EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND MAINTENANCE OF INCOME Social policy, labor market and employment, public pensions system and benefits and income security policies. SUBJECT 5: HEALTH POLICY AND SOCIAL SERVICES National health system in Spain and its development. Social services and social assistance in Spain. Dependency Law. SUBJECT 6: EDUCATION AND HOUSING POLICIES The educational system in Spain: development and legislative changes. The system of provision and access to houses in Spain. SUBJECT 7: OTHER SOCIAL INCLUSION POLICIES AND EXTENSION OF RIGHTS New approaches based on cross-cutting principles: equal opportunities, reconciliation, anti-discrimination, immigration ... Governance and networking in the field of social policies and the fight against poverty and exclusion. Regional and participatory policies: levels and actors. Participatory budgeting and Community Plans. Work-life balance Policiy and Policies for family-support. Basic Income. SUBJECT 8: SOCIAL POLICY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION The European process and the multilevel system of European social protection: supranational, state and sub-state levels. European guidelines and recommendations for social policies. The Lisbon Strategy and the European Strategy 2020.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Arriba González, Ana (coord.). Políticas Sociales y bienes sociales.. Madrid: Fundación FOESSA.. 2008
  • Fantova, Fernando.. Diseño de Políticas Sociales: Fundamentos Estructura y Propuestas.. Madrid: CCS. 2014
  • Montagut, T.. Política Social, una introducción.. Barcelona: Ariel.. 2008
  • Moreno, Luis.. Reformas de las Políticas de Bienestar en España.. Madrid: Ed. Siglo XXI.. 2009
  • VV.AA.. Dilemas de la Política Social. Monográfico nº 154 de la revista Documentación Social (Revista de estudios sociales y sociología aplicada).. Madrid: Cáritas. 2009
  • Zalakain, Joseba y Barragué, Borja (coords.) . Repensar las políticas sociales.. Madrid: Editorial Grupo 5.. 2017
Additional Bibliography
  • Bregman, Rutger.. Utopía para realistas.. Madrid: Ed. Salamandra. 2017
  • Cachón, L. y Laparra, M. (coords.). Inmigración y Políticas Sociales.. Barcelona: Ediciones Bellaterra.. 2009
  • Colectivo Ioé.. Barómetro Social de España: análisis del período 1994-2006. . Madrid: Ed. Traficantes de Sueños.. 2008
  • García Roca, Joaquín.. Políticas y Programas de Participación Social.. Madrid: Síntesis.. 2004
  • González, J. J. y Requena, M. (eds.).. Tres décadas de cambio social en España.. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.. 2004
  • Lorenzo, F. (coord.).. Nueva estrategia europea: ¿hacia qué modelo social? . Madrid: Cáritas. Revista Documentación Social, 157.. 2010
  • Marshall, T. y Bottomore, T.. Ciudadanía y clase social.. Madrid: Alianza.. 1998
  • Mishra, R.. El Estado de Bienestar en Crisis. . Madrid: Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social.. 1992
  • VV.AA.. Revista Sociedad y Utopía, nº 32: Vivienda y Política Social en España (2008) y 34: Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales.. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. 2009
  • VV.AA.. La vivienda en España en el siglo XXI. Diagnóstico del modelo residencial y propuestas pera otra política de vivienda. Colección de Estudios 36. . Madrid: Fundación FOESSA.. 2013
  • Vidal Fernández, F. (coord.).. La exclusión social y el Estado del Bienestar en España¿. V Informe FUHEM de Políticas Sociales y Estado de Bienestar.. Madrid: FUHEM/ Icaria.. 2006

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.