Checking date: 20/05/2023

Course: 2024/2025

International political economy
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)

Coordinating teacher: OZEL SERBETÇI, ISIK

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


BASIC AND GENERAL COMPETENCES BASIC COMPETENCES CB1 Capacity to comprehend facts and contents in an area of study at a level which includes advanced textbooks and some aspects of advanced studies, especially compared to the level acquired at the secondary school. CB5 Capacity to develop learning skills required to perform further studies with a high degree of self-dependence. GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1 Understand social, political, legal and economic realities from a comparative perspective. CG2 Be able to analyze the intrinsic values contained in equal opportunities, multi-cultural society, political ideological and cultural pluralism, human rights, and the international community. CG3 Know quantitative and qualitative research techniques and possess the ability to choose which is most adequate to apply in the field of Social Sciences. CG4 Capacity to use information: identify, organize and analyze relevant information critically and systematically within the context of international political economy. CG5 Capacity to have critical reasoning, using precise terminology and specialized resources, when analyzing international and global phenomena, employing both the concepts and knowledge from different disciplines as well as the methods of analysis, paradigms and concepts pertaining to the Social Sciences. CG6 Capacity to apply scientific method to the economic, social and political questions of a global society; be able to formulate problems in this context, identify a possible explication or solution, and a method to contrast them by sensibly interpreting the data. CG7 Know how to express judgments, which include ethical reflections, on essential social, scientific and economic topics within a representative context of society both on a local and international level. OVERLAPPING COMPETENCES CT1 Capacity to communicate knowledge in oral and written form, both to specialized and to non-specialized publics. CT2 Capacity to establish good interpersonal communication and to work both in interdisciplinary and international teams. CT3 Capacity to organize and plan workloads, taking correct decisions based on the available information, collecting and interpreting relevant data in order to provide assessments in that area of study. CT4 Develop the motivation and capacity to perform independent continuous learning for life, with an endowment to adapt to change and new situations. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES CE1 Be familiar with the major theories in international political economy. CE2 Be familiar with and understand the processes of political, social, economic and cultural change in society and contemporary policy. CE6 Understand the socio-political impact of empires, religions and cultures in historical perspective. CE8 Understand the structure of markets and the impact of public intervention on markets. CE9 Be familiar with and comprehend the relevance of technological change for economic and social development. CE12 Be able to formulate and solve basic economic, social, political problems in an international context. CE13 Be familiar with the principles of cost-benefit analysis and its application to basic problems. LEARNING RESULTS · Applied knowledge about the interactions between markets and states, how state's policies regulate economy and how markets condition policy decisions. · Applied knowledge to understand the role of the state in globalization: state automomy, capacity to determine taxation, welfare state and the nature of social coalitions. · Applied knowledge to understand the fundamentals for designing development strategies, with special emphasis on the recent changes in those strategies, the effects of development aid and corruption. · Applied knowledge to understand the factors behind the process of globalization; as well as the diverse impact of globalization.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This course aims to introduce students to major theoretical and empirical issues in the field of international political economy (IPE). It focuses on several issue areas in IPE such as international trade, development and international production networks (multinational corporations). The course will be constituted of three parts. Part I briefly covers major theoretical perspectives in IPE and their application on empirical issues. It provides a brief historical background for the emergence of increasing integration and institutionalized interdependence across nations, surveying the institutional set-up of international monetary relations. It, then, goes over the politics of international trade, discussing the varying roles of the interest groups and distributional issues, along with those of international and regional organizations, shaping trade policies and politics around those. Discussing the nature of current trade disputes/ ¿trade wars¿, it surveys major multilateral and preferential trade agreements; and the international trade regime supervised by the World Trade Organization (WTO). It goes through broad contestations of the current trade regime in the context of prevalent political tensions. Part II is on the North-South divide and economic development. It discusses the major development strategies adopted by developing countries since the 1950s, with varying levels of success. It briefly explores the phenomenon of emerging countries in the international economy, with a particular focus on China. It studies different forms of state-market relations and liberalization, reflecting on the Washington Consensus, post-Washington consensus and the Beijing Consensus. Finally, it lays out the ongoing challenges faced and posed by the major developing countries in the context of fierce competition in global markets. Part III focuses on the process of economic integration and its diverse consequences. It particularly examines the globalized production networks, addressing the expansion of multinational corporations along with controversies about them. Reflecting on the ongoing challenges of globalization exemplified by the re-emergence of populist responses and Trump-ism, it discusses the actual and probable impact of policies, individuals and collective actors with substantially sceptical positions toward global integration, entailing significant ramifications on its sustainability, provoking debates about the possibility of "de-globalization".
Learning activities and methodology
earning Activities o Lectures o Sections/ practical classes o Classes which combine theory and practice o Office hours o Team work/ assignments Teaching Methodology This course consists of lectures and a number of activities which will be carried out by the students. In general, classes are designed in a manner to promote active participation and critical thinking of students. Therefore, it is essential that they come to class prepared to discuss the readings assigned for that particular session. There will be group activities, presentations, class and small group discussions in designated sessions. It is highly recommended to keep up-to-date about ongoing events in global economy and contemporary debates. Checking web-sources along with the respective sections of the major journals and newspapers will help students go over IPE-related news, debates and commentaries. Office hours Office hours which will be held on a weekly basis (2 hours per week) will be announced at the beginning of the semester. Additionally, students can consult with the professor about their specific questions via email.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Frieden, J.. Global Capitalism, Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century. Norton. 2007
  • Oatley, T.. International Political Economy, Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy. Pierson Longman. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.