Checking date: 05/09/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Social discourse analysis
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)

Coordinating teacher: FUSCO , VIRGINIA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department, Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Good reading skills and familiarity with philosophical essays. Basic knowledge of political philosophy and critical ability
After taking the course the student will be able to: - Know and understand the different approaches to the relationship between power and discourse at the social level. - Understand the basic points of some of the most relevant proposals in this regard. - Understand the usefulness and limits of the different approaches to analyze social and political reality. - To analyze social and political reality from a critical perspective. - To understand the relationship between imaginaries and social reality. -To identify how social imaginaries are embodied in diverse institutions (including cultural products).
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
BLOCK 1: Society, discourse, power UNIT 1: RHETORIC AS A POLITICAL REFLECTION OF DISCOURSE UNIT 2: DISCOURSE AND POWER: DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES 2.1. Marx: ideology and superstructure 2.2. Gramsci and the question of hegemony 2.3. A new vision of power in Foucault 2.4. The populist moment: Laclau and Mouffe UNIT 3: POWER AND SOCIAL IMAGINARIES IN C. CASTORIADIS 3.1. Power, domination and radical under-power 3.2. The imaginary structure of society UNIT 4: INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL COMMUNICATION 4.1. The non-neutrality of technique 4.2. Communication, power, politics BLOCK 2: Applied analysis of social imaginaries I1. NATURE I2. TECHNOLOGY I3. STATUS I4. INDIVIDUAL I5. ECONOMY I6. WOMAN I7. FREEDOM
Learning activities and methodology
The aim is to actively involve students in the learning process so that they become familiar with the tools studied and understand both their usefulness and their limits. The master classes will introduce the theories and fundamental concepts, while the continuous evaluation will focus on the work with texts and on the students' own work of applied analysis of different social imaginaries. The main objective of the course is to foster students' capacity for critical analysis.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Berger, J. y Dibb, M.. Ways of Seeing. . BBC. 1972
  • Berlan, A. Terre et liberté. La quête d´autonomie contre le fantasme de délivrance. La Lenteur. 2021
  • Berlin, I. . Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford University Press. 1969
  • Bury, J. B.. The Idea of Progress. MacMillan. 1920
  • Castoriadis, C.. The Imaginary Institution of Society. Polity Press. Cambridge. 1987
  • Castoriadis, C.. Figures of the thinkable. Open. 1986
  • Castoriadis, C. . World in fragments. Libre. 1989
  • Commoner, B.. The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology.. Knopf. 1971
  • Dardot, P. y Laval, C. . The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society.. Verso. 2014
  • Dumont, L.. Homo aequalis T.1, Genèse et épanouissement de l¿idéologie économique. Gallimard. 1977
  • Eagleton, T.. Ideology. An introduction. Verso. 1991
  • Eisler, R. . The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future. HarperCollins.. 1987
  • Federici, S.. Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation. Autonomedia. 2004
  • Foucault, M.. The Subject and Power ( The University of Chicago Press. 1982
  • Foucault, M.. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Random House. 1977
  • Foucault, M., . Truth and Power,. In The Foucault Reader, ed. P. Rabinow. New York, Pantheon Books,. 1984
  • Graeber, D. y Wengrow, D. . The Dawn of Everything. Allen Lane. 2021
  • Gramsci, A. . Selections from the Prision Notebooks. International Publishers. 1971
  • Hernando, A.. The Fantasy of Individuality. On The Sociohistorical Construction Of the Modern Subject. Springer. 2017
  • Hornborg, A.. The Power of the Machine. Altamira Press. 2001
  • Illich, I. . Shadow Work. Marion Boyards. 1981
  • Laclau, E.. On Populist Reason. Verso. 2018
  • Margulis, L.. Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution. Basic Books. 1998
  • Marx, K. & Engels, F.. The German Ideology. Random House. 2022
  • Merchant, C.. The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution. Harper & Row. 1989
  • Mies, M. . Patriarchy and Accumulation On A World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour. Zed Books. 1999
  • Mies, M. y Bennholdt-Thomsen, V. . The Subsistence Perspective. Beyond the Globalised Economy. Zed Books. 1996
  • Naredo, J. M.. La economía en evolución. Historia y perspectivas de las categorías básicas del pensamiento económico. Siglo XXI. 2015
  • Noble, D.. The Religion of Technology. The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention. Penguin Books. 1999
  • Schmitt, C. . The Concept of the Political. University of Chicago Press. 1996
  • Scott, J. C.. Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States. Yale University Press. 2017
  • Sheldrake, M.. Entangled Life: How fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures. Random House. 2020
Additional Bibliography
  • Foucault, M.. El Orden del Discurso. Barcelona: Tusquets. 1999
  • Foucault, M.. Histoire de la sexualité I: la volonté de savoir. Paris: Gallimard. 1976
  • Janks, H.. Literacy and power. New York: Routledge. 2010
  • Weber, M.. Sociología del poder: los tipos de dominación. Madrid: Alianza. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.