SUBJECTS: SUBJECT 1. Definition of opinion article. 1.1 The role of interpreting and giving an opinion in journalism. 1.2 Historical evolution: from ideological journalism to interpretative journalism. SUBJECT 2. Inform and give an opinion. The role of information in the comment. 2.1 Journalistic and non-journalistic references. 2.2 Sense of the current hanger. 2.3 Argue: coherence in the process of drawing a conclusion from certain facts. SUBJECT 3. The genres of opinion. Definition. Construction. Style. Title. 3.1. Editorial 3.2. Comment/Column. Argument styles. Literary resources. 3.3. Criticism 3.4. Main article SUBJECT 4. Opinion, power and influence. 4.1. Public opinion, public conviction and opinion leadership. 4.2. Opinion and influence in the different media: press, radio, television and internet. 4.3. Public participation in opinion. 4.4. The role of journalism 2.0, socialized journalism or popular journalism. 4.5. Debates and gatherings. The show factor. SUBJECT 5 The commentators of Spanish journalism. 5.1. Styles, techniques and resources. 5.2. Great writers of the ss. XIX and XX. 5.3. Current commentators in the press and audiovisual media.